Keep moving

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(We got #2 in generation loss, woooooo, I never even through my this round make it to the top half of the tag, let alone 2nd)

(Levi pov)

Somethings up with Ranboo, they seem on edge, I mean he has the right to be on edge he just performed surgery on someone when their  not a surgeon. There's something more though. I think it ties into that lady who was their but I'm not sure how. Maybe it-
"Levi you there?"

"Hun, yeah I'm here just zoned out for a second there. What we talking about?" Ranboo began talking about a plan on how to get through the sections. . .

He froze, "someone's coming, hide under the table, the sheet should cover you."

I did as I was told but Ranboo stayed their. I whispered for him to come over and hide with me but he didn't listen.

A lady walked into the room and placed her hands in Ranboo's shoulders. She stayed their for a second and I wondered what she looked like under that mask of hers.

"Where's your little friend darling" eww why was she speaking up Ranboo like that

"They left to the next rooms without me, they don't trust me anymore after I operated on them"

"Awww what a pity, I liked that one, maybe even more than you. If their all alone maybe I could accompany them."

"You can be a creep to me all you want just don't touch Levi, let them be."

"But what if I want Levi more? In fact I do want Levi more. But your not gonna let me have her are you? Your gonna protect her, but you can't protect her if your not their. . ."

She sounded insane, greed hung over her words. Suddenly out of nowhere she grabbed a syringe out of Her blazer and tried to pierce it into Ranboo's through, they fought and I wanted to help. I snuck out quietly going for a sneak attack but Ranboo gestured for me to go back inside. I listened but I wish I hadn't. She managed to inject them with the strum and they slumped to the floor. She began kicking them in the stomach and the chest over and over again until their breathing became sp irrational and scratchy that it sounded like a desperate engine in dire need of service. She lifter her mask slightly and spat on them before walking on into the carousel room.


I swept over to him to find him unconscious. I picked him up and leaned his body on my shoulders. They was beginning to faze back into consciousness and so didn't flop completely. They didn't speak but took small steps with their arm draped around my shoulders and neck for support.

We needed to keep moving till the end before that lady can hurt Ranboo more. I don't know exactly what made him do shaky before the beating but I'm f sad likely putting together the pieces

And I'm not happy with the picture it's building

Generation loss (Alternate ending)Where stories live. Discover now