Carrying the team to victory

241 11 29

(Listening to Lemon demon whilst writing this!)

(Levi PoV)

Keep moving
Keep going

That's what I said to myself as I guided myself and Ranboo to the tunnel into the candy room. With us we took niki and sneeg with us and once through began to assemble the parts. I set Ranboo on the floor and told them to rest, they objected but we're too weak to move much so instead they lay there resting. Niki went looking for the cage part but I stopped her pulling it out from my pocket. The puzzle was finished and the door opened. I picked up Ranboo and we went through last being wary of the man ready to reset us. We got past before he could reset us and we continued to the lasers. I was beginning to sway, I couldn't hold Ranboo's weight much longer.

vinny joined us and I stopped him before he threw himself into the lasers. I threw vinny's hat at the point of which the lasers were coming out blocking off a whole bunch of them. I did the same with vinny's jacket and practically all lasers were gone. I stepped through and grabbed the jewel to turn of the lasers. I turned around feeling some new found confidence being able to save these people and provide freedom for more than just me. We were teleported to the fashion room and I opened the door straight away ignoring the puzzlers frustration of how quick it was going. Ranboo was propped up on the heel chair still struggling to walk, both legs were twisted at awkward angles and I think the lady broke them. I grabbed him and walked into the final room. I was really feeling the effects of carrying someone twice the weight of me around. I stumbled and Niki caught me. She let me lean on her as I regained my balance and vinny took Ranboo.

Nhgiyykvfi bthedfthgrrfassyvfs Lgfevvvghi

(I swear that not gibberish it's a hint of what's gonna happen)

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