Get away from me

287 12 15

(Clear things up the masked lady is not the rat lady played by Valkyrie it's a snowfall media
worker also trigger warnings)
(Ranboo pov)

My heart was screaming in fear but my brain was following the commands. I couldn't get that lady off but eventually she left. She made me stand their as she walked across the polished floor now splattered with red, heels clicking and clacking with studs as sharp as knifes. She twisted her fingers around Levi's mouth and brushed their hair out of their face. "Such a pretty little girl, shame she wasted away. What she needed was a firm grip and etiquette lessons ok how to be a lady. Not how to read particle physics papers and study algebra. This little lady thought she was different enough to excuse her appalling behaviours. She says she has autism and she needs help but really she's a brat, Autism is only for boys and not to be exaggerated by a girl. Pathetic-""THEY, THEY HAVE AUTISM, THEY ARE NON BINARY, THEY"

I screamed it at the lady with the last of my energy engulfed by fury. All she did was spit. She spat in Levi's face and walked back over to me.

"Oh sweets she's lying, she's a little brat who needs a firm grip. You just don't understand." I pushed her to the floor. This anger providing a new strength i never had. She walked away muttering something about upping the level and GHB. Great Happy boar? Great Hobbit Bombardment? I'd don't know probably misheard her.

R,Ra,Ranboo,oo. . . What happened to me?

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