The illusion is breaking

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(Levi pov)

this demon looking dude burst through the door with the locks and walked over to us. His devilish smile flashed up at me as I realised. He was covered in blood. It made me sick to the stomach, he's supposed to be a goofy slime demon he's supposed to be silly, but he's not. I felt dizzy and like I was gonna be sick but I couldn't. I had to keep up the illusion even though the illusion is breaking. 

"Who are you then? a kid playing dress up making slime. Did your DIY slime at home tutorial fail you or something." When I'm scared I often result to comedy to lighten the mood, I am aware though, that I might  just angered a demon

we followed the demon into the kitchen for the cooking challenge and when we opened the door to the fridge there were strange ingredients and weird toppings. We somehow ended up with some kind of distorted pasta covered in "slime." We moved onto the basement and I pretended to wander around wanting to grab the bolt cutters. I looked around and walked over to them fiddling around with them "These could be useful"

"why on earth would we need bolt cutters, a bit random isn't it?" Ranboo had a point but I needed to convince them otherwise.

"Well we've gone from a log cabin living room, to a sit com kitchen, to being locked in a basement. You never know. . .Also there was a door at the start covered in chains."

"Oh, ok then. . .yeah I guess that could be useful" Ranboo then flinched and clutched his ear for a second. I think they were sending instructions to him through an earpiece because he walked over to the tarp covering the cage where Sneegsnag and frank were. The camera people suddenly looked like they did when they were turned off. I walked towards them to see if they would do anything but they remained on auto pilot. Ranboo turned around to stare at me and I walked of the set. Then it started to go really wrong

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