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I chose my gut

I let Vinny carry me on towards the next room. He dropped me in the puzzlers chair and started blinking like crazy. I think its morse code but I'm not sure, it went like this

... ___ ...

I heard the puzzler's speech about trying to save me. I knew he was lying but a part of me still wanted to believe me. Then he said it.

"Look I know your aware that this is still a show and that I'm the main villain. But I have something that you may like. I want this show to have a different end. They all begin the same. Follow the same plot and end the same. Turns out the viewers are very blood thirsty, your the only person who's been voted to live. So I have a deal, a proposition if you will. Levi's alive. We took them and stopped the wall before it could kill them. You can escape with Levi, if you get to the button before the guards or tv monster get you. If you do, I will release Levi and let you free, if not, let's hope you can escape on your own."

I felt something in my gut, I couldn't tell if it was overjoyed or concerned that it was a trick.

I listened anyways. I continued and wasted no time looking around. I knew where to find the button going through the route I went before, skipping out the office but making sure to close it's door.

I was passing the youtuber sets when I saw Charlie. I felt a pang of guilt wanting to save him and I was about to. Hetch however, had other plans.  " Don't save him, or I'll slit Levi's through. He is part of the set and won't help you. He will only waste time and that's not what I want."

I continued on my heart feeling heavy. I ran past the cabin set leaving no time for the monster to chase me. I hit the button so hard that it smashed. My brain fell silent. This was it, I was going to walk free with Levi and start again. It has worked. I walked towards the door frame where hatch was. I peered into the pitch dark but couldn't see him.

A hand snakes round my neck. My mask was glowing. I was dragged away. . .not again.

"Huh, huh, what, no, no, NO! Where's Levi, you said we could go free, I knew it was a trap!" I started sobbing uncontrollably my mask searing into my skin burning my face scarring it.

"You knew it was a trap, yet you listened anyway"

"Please just set Levi free, that's all I want" I just wanted the iron maiden to clasp around my head and end it. If only it had done that the first time. I would have the sweet release of death. But I would have never met Levi. I just want them to be ok, their only 14 and I know I'm only 18 four years older but I still feel the need to protect them

Then I heard it

"You really think their still alive"

"What a silly little thing you are."

My tears were becoming so extreme that my mask began to smoke, slowly short circuiting.

"The poll is about half way done folks so remember to vote. You choose how it goes, are we done with Ranboo? Or do we wanna keep playing with them?"

"Do you have any final words for us Ranboo?"


"Aspiring words from our hero, and the votes are in.

The shadows shifted
There was a faint red glow in the distance
"Have voted"
It began approaching at rapid speed
"For you"
It disappeared
Levi wasn't coming to save me, this was my fate, let's just hope it's the one I want
"DIE- *coughs and dplutters* aaarrgh, what the he-"
Hetch fell to the floor
Knife in his back
With blood on their hands
My saviour stood strong but shaken
They had a metal mask like mine, red glowing from it.
The same graphic t-shirt
The same trousers now bloodstained
The same red/brunette hair
The same tattoo
Levi was bask from the dead
Or were they.

They took hetch's jacket and put it on bearing it as a trophy.

"Don't do this to me, stop hallucinating, go away fake Levi your probably a figment if my imagination after death.

Let me die in peace

"It's me I swear"

They ran up to me and hugged me tight

They told me how they slid into an empty shelf just before they were crushed and waited for the wall to reset before running here.

I felt my emotions flow out freely only leaving joy.

(Ending one)

All I need to do is find the button to de-activate the restraints and we should be all good. It should be this one here.


(Ending two)

"Here let me cut the restraints"

After 3 years I was finally free from the bell known as showfall media.

As we walked outside I took a breath of the fresh air that I hadn't seen for so long. We quickly found our way to a city and people screamed seeing us. Two teens soaked in blood, and tears but we didn't care. We marched to the police station and forced them to investigate showfall, and they did. I re-United with Tubbo and Aimsey. Just seeing me re awoke their memories and they welcomed me with open arms and floods of tears.

Levi met them both but couldn't stay long. Prynhawn da Ranboo until we meet again.

With that they flipped up their hood and walked away.

What ending to you guys like best? Heart or gut, and which gut ending is better? There was originally just ending two for gut but I wanted Levi to press the wrong button and just hear the box to snap.

This book is finished now but I'm writing a new one based on the lost field incident and may or may not be a continuation of this timeline

Generation loss (Alternate ending)Where stories live. Discover now