Electric shocks

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(Levi's pov)

"Ah I see your awake Ranboo and Levi, you find yourselves strapped to a chairs don't you" the puzzler went on with his speech, same as before but modified to fit multiple people, I thought it was going to be the same, then we got to the part with the electricity.

"Why don't we take it for a test drive, you know give it a little juice. Who should we try our mechanism out on, why don't you guys decide. Don't forget to vote viewers." as we waited for the 2 minutes to pass whilst the sick people who were controlling our lives decided on who should be tortured "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. . .the viewers have picked. . .BOTH, nothing like a good 50/50, HAHAHAHAHA."

"WAIT NO DON'T HURT THEM! DON'T HURT LEVI-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. . ."Ranboo's head flopped down, swaying lifelessly limbs going limp. They were trying to save me. . .my mentor cares. . .about, me? people aren't supposed to care about me. . .that's not right. . .not normal. They had woken back up, we were ok. All we needed to do is escape now. 

"Sorry about that, meant to have a lower voltage. Basically it was 50/50 but 3 more people voted Levi so I figured id shock you both but shock Levi twice as much. Oh well, I gave you Ranboo Levi's dose but I'll just double yours for them, no problem. Good thing I waited to figure that one out, I wanted you to see each other get shocked."
"that's sick, your a sick person, you monster!" I shouted at the puzzler but it didn't change anything.

I felt the electricity zap through my nerves lighting my body on sparks of fire, I screamed and screamed before I felt my vision blur, black spots appearing. My head fell lifeless and I wanted to scream but I couldn't, I was trapped. My limbs went limp and everything fell silent, it was just me, in a dark silent void.

(Gasp)(I don't know how to write that as onamatopia okay)

"Wha. . .what happened"

then everything went black once more.

(Ranboo pov)

"NO LEVI!" I screamed as they fell limp, the light leaving their eyes as they sealed shut.

"AWW, Is Ranboo gonna cry, are you scared about your little friend. They'll wake up, eventually. Now then, time for the actual game. You have 1 hour before 64 million volts of electricity go through both of your brains. If you find the correct key on that holder over there then you'll be free, hurry though, your time starts now." with that the puzzler turned the tv of leaving just me and Levi alone. I hope their ok.

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