The seduction

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Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and guided by CliffM

Chapter One: The Seduction

Walking out of Castle Chuck is full of dread. Leaving Cole and Sarah alone, is terrifying for him. He saw the way they were interacting; they were a great spy team. In a moment of insecurity, he decides to turn on the monitor in Orange, Orange, what he sees makes his heart stop. Suddenly feeling like he is going to vomit; he sees Cole pulling Sarah into his embrace and kissing her with passion and need. The kiss is long and deep, and Sarah seemed to be enjoying it. Chuck experiences it in slow motion and is devastated. He continues to watch as Cole slowly steps back away from her, pauses for a moment, then turns to walk up the stairs to leave Castle. Seeing Cole climb the stairs, Chuck realizes he can't be caught spying on them. He can't be here when Cole walks out of Castle, so he turns off the monitor, and runs for the safety of the Buy-More.

As Sarah works to regain the strength in her legs, she glances up and sees Chuck in the security monitor, eyes wide and mouth open, turning and running out the door. Fuck! He saw that, she thinks to herself. Chuck really deserves better than to be hurt that way. This was not what I wanted to happen. However, that lovable nerd always seems to have a special way of finding trouble, and today is no exception. Smoothing her clothes, she considers how she's going to manage this new, but all too familiar mess with Chuck. Very slowly, a smile starts to appear in the corners of her mouth. It's time, she tells herself, It's definitely time to make things happen. The soft approach has not been working with Chuck. His kind heart makes him too much of a gentleman and too respectful. Chuck needs to know where I stand, and he needs to know now.

Chuck is crestfallen as he re-enters the Buy-More, mindlessly walking through the store's front entrance, passing the Nerd Herd help desk. He's completely oblivious to his friends and colleagues, as he tries to find solace in the repair cage in the back of the store. He accepts the realization that he has lost Sarah to a better spy, but it feels like a burning knife buried deep in his chest. "Fuuuccckkk...fuck fuck fuck!!!" he moans out loud. He slumps into his chair, leans back covering his eyes with both hands. He goes back to that dark, familiar place in his mind. "How could I have been so stupid? How could I have allowed my fear to make me lose her? When am I going to learn...?

"It was just this morning she said we had to move in together so she could protect me 24/7". He feels like he's lost everything, and that he himself is now lost, completely lost. After what seems like an eternity but is in reality a few hours, he sits back up. Rubbing the moisture from his eyes he notices the time on the wall clock. He reluctantly gathers himself and quietly exits the Buy-More. Once again, he walks past his friends and colleagues, moving towards his Nerd Herder. His brain is in a fugue state, and he's barely aware that he's driven himself home. Forcing himself out of the car, he walks through the entrance into the courtyard, still on autopilot.

His brain is still trying to process the picture of Sarah in another man's arms, kissing him. How's he ever going to be able to work with her, knowing she would rather be with Cole? Then, just when he thought he had hit bottom, an even darker thought came to him. What if I refuse to do my job as the Intersect, would Sarah put me in CIA's "protective" custody? What about Ellie, Awesome, Morgan.... Spiraling into a deepening and darkening whirlpool of thoughts, he didn't notice Sarah sitting on the edge of the fountain until he was almost in front of her.

"Sarah what are you doing here?" He turns to avoid looking into her eyes, her stunning, soul sucking blue eyes... "I thought you would be off with Cole."

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