An Understanding

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A/N If you're new to this story, welcome. If you're rereading, I hope you like the adjustments I've made.

Charles and Sarah is a story that looks into the wants and needs of people. The story may be named after Charah, but there are others. Casey, Morgan, The Awesomes, all people with needs. This story is sexually charged. It is by no means all about sex. However, there are graphic depictions of sexuality. If you are a repressed puritanical prude this story is not for you. Move along. Go control someone else.

Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and guided by CliffM

Chapter Two:

An Understanding

After a long night of loving making, Chuck and Sarah are asleep in his bed, naked under the covers, bodies entangled. Suddenly, there's a loud pounding on the bedroom door.

Ellie yells out, "Chuck, Sarah, wake up. The apartment across the courtyard is available. Wake up." Chuck groans and pulls Sarah closer to him. She responds by snuggling in.

Ellie persists, "Charles Irving Bartowski, you get up right now."

Sarah nestles into Chuck's neck, "She's not going away, is she?"

Chuck kisses the top of her head, "I don't think so." Chuck yells back. "Alright Ellie, we're up, we're up."

Outside the door they hear Devon start to argue with her. "Ellie let them be, there's no rush."

Ellie is insistent, "Devon, I want them next door, where I can keep an eye on Chuck."

Devon argues back, "Ellie, they may not want that. They may want some privacy."

Ellie declares loudly, "He's my brother, I raised him. What does he have to keep private from me?"

Devon is patient, "Ellie, he's an adult now. He may want a little space."

Ellie shakes her head, "Devon, wouldn't it be awesome if you let me deal with my brother?"

Devon is sounding frustrated, "El, come on. We have rounds to get to. Our patients need us."

Elleanor Faye Bartowski does not give up easily when it comes to taking care of her little brother. "Chuck, are you up?"

Annoyed Chuck answers, "Yes, El we're up, how could we not be up. The entire world is up." Sarah laughs into his neck. "We'll look at the apartment. Go to work."

Ellie isn't satisfied, "Chuck I want to see you up and around before we leave."

Chuck gives up, he pulls Sarah to him tightly, "Okay Ellie, you win, I have to pee. I'm coming out naked." Sarah picks up her head and looks at Chuck, he kisses her and smiles, shaking his head.

Finally, Ellie gives in, "No don't do that, we're leaving. Give us 2 minutes." Sarah chuckles into Chuck's neck and gives him soft kisses up and down his jaw.

Sarah whispers into Chuck's ear, "Mr. Bartowski, last night was the best loving I've had in my entire life."

Chuck smiles broadly, "Well thank you Ms. Walker, I couldn't have done it without you. Wait you mean I'm not your first?"

Sarah just stares at him, totally at a loss for what to say. Chuck laughs and leans down to kiss her on the mouth, "Chuck, you're a jerk, and we haven't brushed our teeth."

Chuck keeps moving towards her face, "Are you sure? I seem to recall you brushing your teeth with something."

"Charles you're incorrigible," she pulls his head down to kiss him.

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