It's Not Easy Being a Real Girl

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A/N: Warning this chapter is sexually charged and emotionally raw.

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and Guided by CliffM

Chapter 20:

It's Not Easy Being a Real Girl

Devon answers the door, "Hey guys, about time what kept you?" He winks at Chuck, who smiles sheepishly.

Ellie gets to the door, "Let's go people I'm starving." Ellie grabs Sarah's arm and the two immediately walk off leaving the guys behind. They don't take long to find something to laugh about. Chuck looks at Devon and shrugs.

As the two men head to the car Chuck asks Devon, "Can you give me a minute?" He walks to Casey's door and knocks.

Casey opens the door, "What?"

Chuck smiles, "Charming as usual, pizza, beer, Karate Kid, 530 tomorrow." Casey grunts and closes the door. Chuck rejoins Devon and they head out of the complex. "You and Ellie are invited to join us if you're free."

Devon shakes his head, "Love to Bro, but I have to work. I think Ellie is free, I'll let her know."

When the guys arrive at the car Ellie is behind the wheel and Sarah is in the passenger seat. Sarah talks to the boys through the window. "Isn't this a great idea. This way Ellie and I can Chat, and you guys can talk about whatever you want."

Devon climbs into the back seat. Chuck talks to Sarah through the window. "Babe I'm really glad you and Ellie have hit it off. I have to admit I'm jealous. I was hoping to cuddle up with you in the backseat. No worries, we'll have all night to correct that." Sarah pulls a deep breath through her teeth. "Plus, we'll get to sit together in the restaurant."

Chuck leans in the window to give Sarah a kiss. "I'll miss you Sweetheart. He quietly whispers in her ear. "Cum for me Sarah." Sarah shivers and moans "Oooo!" as she climaxes sitting next to Chuck's sister.

Ellie hears her, "Sarah are you okay, you look flushed?"

Chuck climbs into the backseat next to Devon, "She's fine El, just excited about being with her new family. She's looked forward to coming all afternoon. Isn't that right Baby?" Sarah just nods unable to speak. Chuck has a big grin on his face. "Hey, let's get some sushi. I just hope it's moist."

Sarah takes a deep breath, "I'm sure it is Hon, I'm sure it is."

Ellie starts the car and pulls into traffic, "Devon why can't you be romantic like Chuck?"

Devon has an "Oh shit" look on his face. Chuck jumps in to rescue him from the trouble he caused. "C'mon El, give Awesome a break. Sarah and I are still on our honeymoon we just moved in two days ago, and we don't work double shifts. I mean how stressful is serving yogurt and fixing computers. It's not like we deal with life and death situations like you guys."

Sarah smiles ironically and agrees with her man. "Chuck is right Ellie. I can only hope that in seven years your brother and I are as in love as you two. My biggest concern is that Chuck forgives me when I test his patience on a daily basis."

Chuck reaches over the seat to touch Sarah's shoulder, "That goes both ways Sweetheart. Nobody in this car is perfect. I will admit you're close and much better than I deserve."

Devon shakes his head, "Bro, I thought you were trying to help, but not so much. El I love you. You're right I need to step up my game. I am going to start tonight. Babe when we get home, I'm going to rock your world."

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