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Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and guided by CliffM

Chapter 26 :


Sarah is sleeping soundly, but Chuck is restless, concerned that he may have pushed her too far, too fast. Sliding out of bed so as not to disturb her he goes into his old room and turns on the computer. Maybe a quick game will help me sleep. The monitor turns on and instead of his home screen there's a barrage of green monochromatic symbols falling endlessly from top to bottom. Slowly they take on the shape of a face. An electronically altered voice speaks, "Hello Chuck, nice to see you again. You're looking well."

Chuck sits up attentively, "Orion, wish I could say the same. You're looking a little green around the gills."

The electronic laugh is eerie, "As sharp as ever. I'm going to send you one of my laptops, next Monday when you return to work. Be sure you're there to receive it. It can be deadly in the wrong hands. Your plans to see Mickey are quite industrious, not to mention dangerous. Tell me Chuck do you intend to stay with this woman?"

Chuck shakes his head, "That's really none of your business."

Orion laughs again, "You may be right, you may be wrong. In any case being with her is dangerous. My laptop will help you with that. In the meantime, I am going to unlock a couple of files in the intersect that you haven't been accessing, they'll help short term."

Chuck shakes his head, "You're not unlocking anything until I know what you're talking about." A shiny shimmering symbol appears on the screen and Chuck's face goes blank. A second symbol appears, and Chuck's head falls back on his shoulders, he's unconscious.

Chuck wakes up and shakes his head, looking at the screen in front of him he sees that it's two A.M... he thinks, Damn I guess I was more tired than I thought. I must have fallen asleep in my chair. Getting up he feels rocky. A little wobbly he makes his way to the bed where Sarah is still fast asleep. He gently lifts the covers and slides in next to her. She groans and throws her arm over his chest still fast asleep, thank God for subspace, he thinks, then passes out.

It's Friday morning, 6 A.M. The clock radio Chuck set the night before turns on. The Monkees, Daydream Believer is playing. Sarah groans and stretches, then drops her head back onto Chuck's shoulder and pulls herself to him as tightly as possible. "Mmmm, Baby did we get drunk last night?"

Chuck is barely awake, "Uh, uh."

Sarah reaches up and kisses his throat, "Then why do I have the weirdest hangover ever?"

Chuck is still waking up as he puts his arm around her, loving the feel of her soft flesh against his hand, and holds her close. "Take a minute Baby, it'll come to you. To be honest I'm kind of feeling the same way."

Sarah snuggles into him planting a kiss on his chest, "Mm hmm, okay."

Suddenly Sarah's head comes up, "Oh my God, what did you do to me?"

Chuck laughs, "Whatever do you mean Baby?"

Sarah sits up, "Don't you act all innocent. First you lied to me about the RED test, then you tied me down with thread..., with thread. And then... oh my God, that can't be right, there is no way my body can do that Baby... You made my insides explode. After that everything feels weird like I was dreaming. Oh crap I said no to you, a bunch of times. I was very naughty, but you didn't punish me." Sarah lays her head back down on Chuck's chest, "Master I'm so sorry, but I don't remember it all. I'm sorry if I was disrespectful. What the hell did you do to me, never mind," Sarah giggles. "Just promise me you'll do it again."

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