Hunting the Hunter

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welcome back readers, I hope you're enjoying Charah learning to be a couple. Golly gee I hope there are no surprises to make things weird. Just remember to stop and smell the gardenias.

Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and guided by CliffM

Chapter 18:

Hunting the Hunter

Morning comes with a loud knock at the door. Sarah is out of bed with gun in hand. Chuck groans as the light hits his now opened eyes. "Sweetheart if someone is here to kill me do you really think they're gonna knock?"

Sarah walks to the computer on the desk and punches in a code. The screen turns on and we see a courier standing outside the door holding a package. She moves her hands across the keyboard and a scan appears. A light goes from the top of the screen to the bottom highlighting the image of the person at the door. When the scan is completed, a legend appears at the bottom, "No weapons found."

Chuck pushes the covers off revealing his naked body and morning wood as he starts to get out of bed.

In a soft voice Sarah says, "Sweetie, you stay and relax. I'll take care of this and be right back to take care of that."

Chuck groans, "Fine, but you're doing all the work. You're wearing me out Walker."

Sarah giggles, as she pulls a robe on, "Well then Sir, my plan is working. I'm keeping you so worn out you can't get into trouble."

Chuck smiles, "Trust me Honey you're all the trouble I can handle."

Sarah goes to the front door to deal with the early morning intrusion.

Chuck jumps out of bed and heads to the bathroom thinking, "I've created a monster, YAAAAYYYY!"

Climbing back into bed and under the covers before Sarah returns, Chuck gets comfortable just in time. Sarah returns to the bedroom and places a laptop on the desk, removing her robe she climbs into bed and snuggles up to her man. She has something in her hand that she lays on Chuck's chest. Chuck picks it up and looks at his new credentials. Chuck is in awe, "Holy shit, I'm officially a spy." Sarah's hand moves to Chuck's crotch, "Um Sir, did you have company while I was gone?"

Chuck sighs, "I'm sorry Mistress have I displeased you."

Sarah pulls her hand back as if she just touched a hot coal, "I'm sorry Sir, I didn't ask permission, but I've never been in love with a spy before. It's very exciting, now I know how you feel."

"No woman you did not ask permission. To atone, you must kiss me as if I were the spy you love, not your sex doll. And yes, Honey you are very exciting."

Sarah moves up to kiss him, "Sir, must your punishments be so cruel?" She kisses him with a passion that can only come from love. He responds in kind. Sarah purrs, "Sir I think I've been very naughty. Perhaps I deserve more of this punishment."

Tossing his credentials aside Chuck rolls her over on her back and kisses her again, their tongues mingle as the kiss goes on. "Sarah, I am going to make love to you and then you will leave me alone to get some work done."

Sarah moans, "Only, if it pleases you Sir."

Chuck pulls his head back, "You don't want me to make love to you?"

Sarah smiles, "Don't be silly Charles. Of course I want you to make love to me, but I want you to do it all day."

Chuck moves on top of her and rubs his now reinvigorated cock between her legs, while he kisses her. Sarah reaches down to guide him inside of her. Chuck pulls his hips back.

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