Safe at Home

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A/N: Back for more, you must be a glutton for punishment. Thanks for coming back to read my story. C&S are starting to experience something neither has had before, A home with someone dedicated to them. They're still living on the edge, but now they have each other.

Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Guided and edited by CliffM

Chapter 16: Safe at Home

The ride to Franklin St. is pleasant, as Chuck and Sarah chat about their plans. "Hon you know I'm off all this week from Buy More. Will Orange, Orange be open or closed?"

Sarah considers for a moment, "I hadn't thought about it. I suppose that would be up to me. I guess we should see how much work the apartment will need then decide."

Chuck reaches his hand across and rests it on Sarah's thigh, "What do you think about a vacation, a getaway, just you and me?"

Sarah sighs, "Sweetie that sounds wonderful, but we can't."

Chuck shrugs his shoulders, "Why not."

Sarah explains, "Well for starters anywhere we go would have to be vetted for safety. We would need to check in on a regular basis. The biggest issue is if we go out of town who do we need to have a cover for?

Honey, I'm sorry, I know you want normal but that's not who we are. I'm an agent, and you're an NSA analyst with access to particularly sensitive information. Charles, normal is not in the cards for us, at least not right now. Who knows what the future holds. But we can have moments of normalcy. More importantly we're fortunate to have each other, and we can have moments of reality. We'll have a real home. To be honest this has been the best time of my life. I don't want to bring you down, but at any point you could be transferred to DC, and I could be assigned anywhere in the world. The only thing keeping us stable is that thing in your head."

Chuck shakes his head, "Well then, I guess we'll make the best of it, and if they try to separate us, I'll have to deal with it. More to the point they'll have to deal with me."

Sarah is surprised at chuck's intensity, it isn't like him, "Hon we're doing good right now, the best thing is to not make waves."

Chuck turns to face her, "Sarah you have my word the only one who can take you away from me, is you. I gave you my word, you'll always have a choice, that's one of them."

"Sir, I am not going anywhere."

"I love you Ms. Walker."

"I love and adore you Mr. Bartowski." Sarah tries to lighten the mood, "You know we are almost home. I wouldn't mind if you put your hand up my skirt."

Chuck considers it for a moment and decides to have some fun. "You wouldn't mind, huh? I don't think so, I don't want to put you out or anything and you are driving."

Sarah is shocked, "Baby don't you want to touch me."

Chuck simply replies "always."

In a sexy voice Sarah says, "Well then why don't you slide your hand up a little higher."

Chuck just says "Nah."

Sarah tries to be funny and says with an evil smile, "Charles Bartowski you slide your hand up higher or you may not get the chance again."

Chuck slides his hand up a little higher close enough to feel the heat and moisture between her legs. "Sarah?"

"Yes, my love."

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