Everyone Talks

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A/N So I have to come up with something witty again. You know it's not easy. I mean I spend hours, no, days writing these stories, then I have to say something to pique your curiosity so that you'll read my story. You know what, don't read it. Chuck's gonna get laid whether you read it or not. So go on, get your porn somewhere else. We just don't care. Oh, by the way I want to thank the Chuck people for not suing the crap out of me because I have absolutely no rights to their characters at all.

Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and guided by CliffM

Chapter 19:

Everyone Talks

Charles moves over to sit next to Sarah, and she snuggles into him, "Baby, what was all that I'm hungry stuff about?"

Chuck smiles, "Come on Sweetheart you're smart enough to figure it out."

Sarah ponders, "Well I know part of it was stalling for Casey to get here, but you could have just said that."

Chuck purses his lips, "You're right, and in Beckman's state of mind how do you think she would have reacted?"

Sarah looks at Chuck, "Let's see, she clearly felt like she was losing control of the situation. Events were cascading faster than she could handle them and she was way out of her weight class with Orion." Sarah's eyes go wide, "You gave her something she could control, and you became less intimidating before you started making suggestions, or should I say demands. You Dommed her from the bottom."

Sarah reaches up to stroke Chuck's face, "I am madly and totally in love with a genius. On top of everything else she gave you the team, and Casey was okay with it. I'm awestruck."

Sarah takes in a huge breath, "By the time she figures it all out, she can't say or do anything about it because she would look foolish. She also knows that Orion is protecting you. Baby, you do realize that you would be a Master Spy even without the intersect."

Chuck smiles, "See I knew you would figure it out. I'm just glad I don't have to use tactics like that with you."

"Baby how are you staying so calm, this whole Orion thing is freaking me out, and what request was Bec... the general talking about?"

Chuck shrugs his shoulders, "I dunno, for some reason I trust him. It's almost like there's something familiar about him. That request is need-to-know, and you don't need to know just yet. So what's your news?"

Sarah asks, "Honey are you sure you're, okay? I'm pretty freaked out. Please tell me, I hate secrets."

Chuck nods, "I'm fine, now Baby, are you going to stop interrogating me and tell me your news, or would you be more comfortable telling me bent over my knee?"

Sarah sits up, "Who are you and what have you done with my Chuck? Why aren't you freaking out?"

"That's it, patience gone," Chuck puts his arm behind Sarah's back and pulls her forward across his knees. "This might be a fun time to Get Beckman back on video."

"Charles Bartowski, no, don't you dare. Don't you even joke about that."

"Let's see, you called me Chuck when we're alone. You won't tell me your news. Now I'm hearing a lot of no and don'ts, and it almost sounded like you were nagging me. Didn't you just get done begging for forgiveness for being disrespectful?" Chucks hand comes down on Sarah's behind.

Sarah yells out, "OUCH, thank you Sir, that's one. Sir please I'm still sore from last time." Chuck's hand comes down again, "OOOOOWWWW, thank you Sir, that's two, please Sir I'm sorry, I'll talk, I'll talk."

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