Something to tell the kids or Training Day part 3

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A/N: You are warned this chapter is sexually charged, includes BDSM and lots and lots of love.

Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Edited and guided by CliffM

Chapter 23 :

"Something to tell the kids"

or Training Day part 3

The drive to the market gives Sarah time to thinkI never would have suspected he was a Dom, and I never in a million years would have thought that being a submissive would feel so good and be so fulfilling. She looks over at Chuck and smiles at the joy on his face as he drives the new car that she picked for him. In my wildest dreams I never thought I could have happiness like this. He knows exactly who I am, and he loves me.

She stares at the gorgeous man sitting next to her, feeling her hand moving with his on the stick shift. She's let go and he controls her movement. I trust him so much. I know now that he would die for me, but more importantly he would do everything possible to save me. He fought his nightmare, his anger, and the pain I caused him, and he still loves me. This man hears me, he listens to me, and he hears me. What a blessing to have a man like him. I adore how we play together. He knows just when to reign me in and when to let me run free. I want to give myself to him completely. I have no hesitations any longer, I want to be his and only his." Her thoughts end and Sarah turns towards Chuck, "Baby, I love you."

Chuck smiles and says, "I know."

"Sweetheart is there something special that you would like me to wear for you tonight?"

Chuck laughs, "Nice try Walker. Wouldn't that work better with some Pentothal?"

Sarah pouts and whines, "But Charles, I just want to please you."

Chuck laughs again as he shifts, putting his new car through its' paces. "Yep, that's Agent Sarah Walker, Assassin extraordinaire. If her gun fails to kill, she'll whine you to death," his laughter is joyful.

Sarah crosses her arms and deepens her pout. "Baby, you wouldn't really discipline me in front our friends, and Ellie might be there?"

Chuck gives her a quick look, "Sarah would I intentionally hurt you?"

"Yes, Sweetheart you would, if you think it's what I need."

Chuck purses his lips, "Hmmmm, I guess you may be right. That is what you did today isn't it? Didn't you just a few minutes ago say whatever I think is best. And didn't I give you a way out. Of course you still have your safe word you can take control whenever you want."

Sarah whines for real, "Baby I don't want control. I just don't want you to embarrass me."

"Sarah, are you embarrassed that you want to be my submissive?"

"OOOHHH Charles! You're pissing me off, that's not what I'm saying."

Chuck pulls into a space in front of the market and turns to her. "Okay Baby, help me understand. You don't want control, but you want to decide when I'm your Dom and when I'm not. Am I getting that right? Are you going to fire me every time you're scared or feel out of control? Sarah, you need to decide, do you trust me or don't you?"

Sarah takes a deep breath in, "I trust you one hundred percent. I'm sorry I questioned your commitment to me you're right. I got scared." Sarah smiles, "I guess you've defrosted the Ice Queen. I stand by my words, whatever you think is best."

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