Decisions, Decisions

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I hope that you've been enjoying the vision of Chuck and Sarah that I've created. Things will be progressing from here. Yes, they talk a lot, to me that's the basis of a healthy relationship. Especially in the beginning. Getting to know each other, setting boundaries making agreements. I hope that if you read my stories that you'll leave a comment or at least a vote. You see I don't make money doing this. I get my reward when I connect to my readers. Your reviews energize me to keep writing. Please let me know that I am not just sending my words into a blackhole. Thanx I hope you enjoy:

This story is sexually explicit. If that's not your cup of tea,

go away.

Charles and Sarah

A Charah Tale

By Lord Rapier

Chapter 4: Decisions, Decisions...

As Chuck ushers her through the door, Sarah thinks to herself, Oh shit he did it to me again, he set the trap and I walked right into it. It's a good thing I'm not on an assignment. I could be captured and tortured being so careless. I guess this is what trust feels like.

Sarah moves into the room and turns to face him, "Chuck what are you doing?"

Chuck seems confused, he holds his empty hands out in front of himself. In a high squeaky voice, "I'm not doing anything."

Sarah backs up until the back of her legs hit the bed, "Charles Irving Bartowski you stop this right now."

Chuck looks shocked and whines, "Baby, stop what? I'm not doing anything." Sarah falls back on the bed. Her legs open and Chuck can see up her skirt. Pointing at her open legs he smiles, "Is that for me?"

Sarah closes her legs, for some reason, feeling very exposed. She's confused by her feelings. She feels vulnerable, nervous, and aroused all at the same time. Somehow Chuck is messing with her mind, but she can't figure out how. He's being kind and gentle, loving. Yet somehow there's something else going on. "Chuck, you stop this right now, you're messing with my head."

Stepping up to the bed to stand over her, he reaches down and begins to unbutton her blouse. After getting the buttons undone, he slides it off her shoulders and arms. His eyes take in her naked breasts. Sarah is clearly nervous. His actions continue to arouse her, she just can't figure out how. "Chuck, what are you doing?"

Once again Chuck looks confused, "Baby I'm just helping you get out of these dirty clothes. Didn't you want to change?" Kneeling Chuck removes her shoes then reaching up he slides his hands under her skirt, Sarah gasps, and unhooks her stockings, first the left, then the right.

Sarah knows that something is going on, she just can't figure out what it is. Somehow, he's controlling her, how she feels. But how? Chuck gently slides her stockings off, exposing her porcelain skin. Tossing them aside, he puts his hand out and waits for her to accept it. She tentatively reaches out to take it. Holding her hand, he pulls her up off the bed. She's clearly nervous, waiting for the other shoe to fall. Once she's standing up, Chuck unzips her skirt and pulls it and her garter belt down. He Lets them fall to the floor. Again, he reaches out his hand, to help her step away from the puddle of clothes at her feet.

Keeping hold of her hand he leads her over to a chair on the other side of the room in front of the large picture window. Chuck sits down and pulls Sarah to stand in front of him. He looks up at her face and slowly scans her naked body all the way to her toes. Sarah thinks to herself, I've never felt so naked.

Looking up again at her face he sighs, "Gosh you're beautiful. Is this really all for me?" Sarah says nothing, simply nodding her head. "I really like this." He touches the C shaved into her pubic area, "It makes me feel very loved."

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