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We are getting closer to another duo this time. It looks like they have gotten closer to each other and the rumbling through the halls is making me believe that the two of them are actively in a skirmish.

Ishtar asks as we approach the area, "Do we also try to calm them down?"

"If that is even possible, yes."

Cu chuckles. "Sounds look a good battle, let's just hope that these two are understanding of the situation at hand."

"As if you were," she grumbles under her breath. "Anyway, if it comes down to it you can trap them the same way you did us."

I counter, "Biggest problem is that you two were willing to listen, let's just hope that these two are willing to do that much."

We turn right at the next intersection only to see scorch marks on the metal plating. In the distance, two females are standing across from each other. One has chains around the area that seemed to wrap the other in a confined space but despite that, her opponent with a dark black blade doesn't seem fazed at all.

"How do you propose we get in the middle of that?" I glance at Cu who arches his brow at me, almost as if he is waiting for me to give him the go.

"Try not to anger them."

He chuckles as he flashes from beside us, Ishtar sighs as she expresses, "Do you really think that meat-head is going to do anything other than what you are asking from him?"

I glance at her. "He has so far, might as well make use of his eagerness to fight... or well."

She sighs before twisting her lips to the side. I return my attention to the confrontation to find Cu has gotten himself well between the two of them.

"Your command spells," I glance at her. "You have authority over us and can use a seal to let them do your bidding, Master."

"Something that I just have?"

"I'd assume so," she nods.

I look at the scene, I had hoped that they would stop fighting due to his intervention but it just appeared to turn into a three-way rumble. The hallway is already severely damaged and it would take a couple of weeks to repair these damages... I should stop this and salvage what we can before they blow a hole in the facility.

"By my command, I order all of you to lay down your arms."

I feel something shatter on my hand, a flash of light as the two of them drop to the ground as if reacting to my command. I was surprised that Cu wasn't reduced to such a state but I imagine he never really intended to fight with them.

"One way to do it, Master."

I walk up to the two of them, both of them glancing at me.

"You..." I hear the woman closest to me grumble. "You summoned me?"

"All of us," Ishtar corrects her.

The one across from me stays quiet. Looking at the two of them, the girl with lavender hair relaxes quickly and lifts herself to her feet while the one closer to me is still on her knee with her sword lodged into the floor.

"Rider," the one that was silent up until now speaks to me. "You may call me by my name, Medusa."

"(Y/N)," I return the greeting

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"(Y/N)," I return the greeting. "Sorry for using such drastic measures but I am the only person here capable... or well, that was able to summon each of you. For now, I'd ask that you cooperate with me until I have a better understanding of the situation."

She gives me a silent nod.

The one beside me lifts herself. "I suppose it will be interesting," she glances at me with an icy stare. "Saber. Artoria Alter."


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"There is another like me," her eyes are devoid of emotion, "I am unlike her but we share the same face."

I glance around at the damage, I then glance at Cu asking him, "Would you mind heading back to keep an eye on the people in the control room?"

"Keep them in?" I respond with a nod and he walks off into the distance.

Leaving me with the three of them, Ishtar is watching them closely, as if she doesn't trust either of their silence. Medusa looks observant as if she is trying to analyze everyone around her while Artoria hasn't stopped looking at me with that dead expression of hers.

Off to a good start, nobody has tried to harm me yet. Yet.

I have noticed that two of them are from some form of myth. Ishtar and Medusa, does that mean that the other two are from some myth or legend that I have never heard of in my lifetime? Probably not surprising as a lot of our history has been lost due to the invasion.

Artoria speaks. "There are weak creatures roaming around, I found them before I met Rider."

I nod. "Could you kill them for me?"

She holds her stare as if she is about to tell me to do it myself before finally nodding. "I could."

I guess that is a yes, I turn my attention to Medusa. "Can I ask the same of you? I will gather all of the Servants after I have gotten a better understanding of our situation."

She silently agrees as she walks away from us towards where she can probably sense the Sins. Artoria grabs her blade, resting it on her shoulder before walking away.

"Don't destroy the place in the process."

"Don't push it," she breathes out as she walks away.

Ishtar sighs. "Woah, interesting characters that we have on our hands, Master. I doubt they'd be able to do anything to go against you but you already used one Command Spell and it would be best not to use it just to force them to get along."

"Right now, I just want to clean this place and find all of the Servants."

"Understandable," she then adds, "It appears that they didn't know either. Isn't that strange?"

I shake my head. "I don't really know what to expect from it myself, let's not waste any time finding the other four."

Fate/Chaotic Distortion: God's Sins (Fate Females x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now