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We've struck ice, the vehicle is practically sliding over it as we power through the land. Hours have passed and we've found ourselves driving through a narrow opening in the glacier. The icy blue feels safe.

Nothing will pop out of it to snatch us and even then we have a retaliation force strong enough to drive them back properly. The gate that she described comes into view with bright red lights, their reflection dancing against the blue of the glacier.

Angelica looks at me, "These are survivors, don't forget that."

"Are we any different?"

She gestures to the world around us, "They've been surviving the cold and the monsters. They won't even trust you if you could be a permanent source of heat for them, they'll use you before you even had a chance to tell them they can trust you."

I itch the side of my nose. "Lovely. And we want these people working on that facility?"

"They are probably the only humans left in this world that could work there. These people are all tech savvy and when the machine shreds their arms open they just rip it off and continue working because if they don't they will all freeze to death."

I mutter to myself, "And we wanted to survive out here."

"We can, I am not sure about the people you brought along."

She slams her fist against the horn, I walk backward into the passenger area of the vehicle to see all of them already lifting themselves. I step closer to them as I start giving my orders, "Zhuo. Keep an eye on the people, Angelica warned me that they won't be excited to see us."

"If they so much as think of attacking they'll be dead," she disappears from my vision.

I glance at the two Alters. "You two only react don't act. I am not worried about Zhuo stepping out of line but these people will challenge your attitudes and I don't need the two of you to act harshly towards them."

Jalter curls her nose at me, "These humans are soft. They don't know what real hardship is."

I state, "This is as close as it gets."

"If they are so cold then we could always burn the world down around them, let them feel some of that heat they are after," she smirks.

Salter glances at her, "If that is the only way for them to fall in line then so be it. If they are blind to the opportunity then they leave you little choice."

"Then let's hope they will see reason. Hover behind me, don't interact with them, don't engage them either. If it does go down you'll only react on my signal."

With a heavy exhale, "Whatever."

Salter doesn't respond. The vehicle comes to a halt, Ishtar stretches out her hand to keep me steady, "And what about me?"

"I don't have to worry about you, I won't ask any of you to dematerialise but you will all be in their sights. The fact that neither of you can feel the cold as intensely as we do will already make them suspicious of us."

Angelica steps out of the cockpit, "These are good people, just follow suit and none of them will bother you."

Salter expresses, "Those who idle around expecting us to do as they wish are waiting for a reason, and if they want that we will give them a reason."

"Only if they leave us little choice."

"There's little choice when they arm themselves," she expresses. "I'll follow your lead but if the scales shift in their favor don't expect me to react. You'll learn from your own mistakes."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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