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I've undressed myself entirely to have a look at it myself. Though there was nothing for a moment, just like my eyes, I only needed to focus for a moment to see the command spells take form on my body.

 Though there was nothing for a moment, just like my eyes, I only needed to focus for a moment to see the command spells take form on my body

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(Something like this)

Glowing a bright red. These are supposed to control or at least... give orders to the servants under me. Funny that my leading a couple of people through the snow to a facility I never knew existed led to this.

The computer should be able to be online.

"What do I call you?"

"EDEN," the AI answers.

"We are planning on meeting up with the Snow Pirates in their settlement starting tomorrow. How do I go about taking my Servants with me."

I slip on my pants as it answers, "As you are now you are limited to three servants at your current mana threshold. You can take mana canisters that have been filled by the Grail to replenish your mana in case you need to take more with you."

I nod. "So they are sustaining through the Grail at the moment?"

"Correct. If they venture too far and use up the mana in their bodies they will start to feed off of yours. If there is nothing to feed from their bodies will be significantly weakened and won't be able to do dematerialise."

"I thought they'd just fade away if I didn't have mana."

"That would be a good assumption. However, the specifics of the current summoning have led to a different strategy and method of summoning. Their bodies are bound to this world and for your convenience. If you lose these Servants, you will not be able to resummon them again."

Due to what exactly? Failure to use them properly? So we've been given one chance and if I fuck up that chance then we lose one of our strongest weapons. One of many I suppose. But that doesn't stop me from summoning again.

"When can I have more?" I ask like a child that hasn't been fed properly.

"When the system has determined that your body is capable of withstanding any more stress. Stress on your circuits through a mass summoning could lead to potentially dangerous side-effects on your body."

There's a notification beep that echoes through the room. "Side-effects are unknown. Further study required."

"That's all for now."

"Logging you off."

I stretch my limbs as I walk towards the windows. I press the panel beside it and the shutter on the outside that is protecting the glass opens to reveal the cold wasteland just beyond this facility.

I am freezing just at the thought of stepping outside after experiencing the warmth of this facility. But tomorrow we should plan accordingly and keep our best protectors here while I head out to find the Pirates.

We need to fill this place with workers and fighters. The facility is massive in size and scope... I would expect them to look for more than just us. The sun has already begun to set and darkness has taken over the world outside.

Would be easy to get lost in the blizzard. Even easier to die in it.

I hear the door open to my room with someone stepping into it, I glance over my shoulder to see Jeanne 'de Arc... or Jalter in this case, standing at the door. Her eyes widen slightly at the sight of me but she quickly fixes her expression.

"Do you prance around half-naked often, Master?" The way she says master makes one feel like she is mocking me to tell me that I am not worthy of being called one.

"I'm not used to women barging into my quarters to talk to me."

"How sad," she chuckles. Walking into the room she pulled her gaze away from me and sat down on my bed. "How terribly pathetic and sad."

I chuckle. "Never aimed at leaving an impression on someone so much that she comes straight to my room after sending everyone off for the night."

She twists her lips to the side, before shooting me a glare. "What are you implying? Master."

"Do you want my attention, Jalter?"

She lifts herself off of the bed to say something but instead clenches her fist, grumbling, "Would you put on some fucking clothes you exhibitionist."

I walk to the clothes I tossed to the side and slip on one of my vests as she watches me intensely. "It doesn't help for your case if you are going to walk into my room, stare at me, complain about me not being dressed in my private quarters, and still stare at me."

"Shut up!"

I snort as I ask her, "What do you want from me?"

"Bored. Your faithful servants are all annoying. Except Saber, strange that you managed to get her, she is the only one here that will help make this entertaining."

"I am sure she would have a far better reaction to you barging into the room assigned to her."

She blinks twice, it feels like she was warning me from continuing to make fun of her. "That tongue of yours has no guard, does it, Master?"

I'd imagine it would be hard to spot the aggression when they call you master in the same sentence, but she is managing to show her hatred for me rather well. She narrows her eyes at me as a warning.

"Jeanne, right?"


"Getting on my bad side won't help your boredom either," she cocks her head at my words, "I need to work with you and not against you. Making it harder on me is going to force me to choose someone else even if your expertise would have been perfect for the situation."

"Suck it up," she expresses.

I shake my head as I walk towards her. She watches me carefully, almost like a snake watching the movement of something that is stepping closer. Though instead of interacting with her I lay down in my bed.

With a yawn, I suddenly feel my fatigue catch up with me. We've been walking for a long time, my mana has been sucked out of my system... and I used the powers behind my eyes all in one day.

I should get to practising.


I glance at her only to feel that my eyes are even heavier, "Hmm?"

"Falling asleep with me in your presence is extremely disrespectful and very dangerous. I could have killed you so very easily."

I groan as I turn onto my side. "Tired. If you are going to keep on complaining either get in the bed or leave."

"GET IN YOUR BED?!" I couldn't see her expression through my tired eyes but her yelling made it painfully clear she wasn't exactly fond of my invitation.

Or maybe she was. Just shocked that I was willing to deal with her despite being an absolute pain in my ass.

"I don't bite," I mutter.



"Fuck you," I hear her storm off and I fall back asleep all too easily.

Fate/Chaotic Distortion: God's Sins (Fate Females x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now