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Being led to the room where this Grail is held, the Artificial intelligence starts describing the systems in place and why it works the way it is supposed to work.

"Before the Invasion there was a Church of Mages in charge of creating this place, they spent years building it up in hopes to fight back against the Invaders that humans have been calling Sins, or Gods."

"Thousands of lives were dedicated to building this place, and another hundred sacrificed to create a conduit that would be able to manifest a Man-Made Grail for the purpose of using the Root to give access to True Magic rather than Magecraft."

I glance at Jeanne who is attentively listening.

"The experiments were successful although the human sacrifice was largely unsanctioned by authorities." There is a pause as if to let it settle in that a lot went into making something as bizarre as this successful. "The Grail was created, and then systems were built around making this place be able to power itself forever by using convertors tapping into the wellspring that is the Grail."

"So never running out of mana?" Jeanne asks.

"That was the intention of my creators, yes." There is another pause. "As you can see, it was largely successful but only after the invasion did they manage to create a reactor capable of withstanding the threshold and made enough to make sure the place doesn't turn to fallout."

There is a beep. "Fallout refers to radioactive particles in the air left behind from nuclear spillage/explosions/waste."

The AI continues after the quick lesson. "This place was promptly shut down due to the Grand Magus that was supposed to access the Grail was killed or misplaced during his journey here leaving this place unable to operate properly."

"What about the defenses?" I ask.

"Never operational," the computer answers promptly. "Chief of Engineering stayed behind to fix it while the rest was sent out to find a replacement magus to take his place but he died due to the shutdown of the reactor and the lack of ways to feed himself and keep warm."

That must be the guy that we found in the control room.

"How did the sins get in here?"

"The last shutter couldn't close due to the Chief Engineer holding out for his saviors so small infected life forms slipped past and created a nest in the furthest wings. The cold show signs of harshly impeding their movement and evolution."

"It has been observed that the Sins here have evolved to survive the cold, not live in it."

Interesting observation but it explains why they all went straight to us when this place turned into a heater. So we haven't long before another wave comes and we better find the Pirates and other settlements to keep this place safe.

"The Grail? What about the Root?"

"Lead Scientist and Church member, Alexander Phoenix, read down in his notes that the Root is the source of all magic, or that is what he believed. That it is the Root of the World, that from it, is where the Grail draws its power to give wishes but they all believed that the ability to give Wishes was... a rumor."

I nod slowly. Jeanne remarks. "Then they'd wish them all away, wouldn't they?"

"That was the first plan," the computer answers. "The Servants, heroic spirits that you summoned, Grand Magus, are at your disposal but be aware that though your Circuits greatly surpass the prior magus' you will only ever be able to leave this place with a few due to them needing your mana to sustain themselves out in the field."

"Note: there are Mana Chargers in the storage unit that Servants can draw from in the case of the Magus running out of Mana."

So there is one way around that little problem as it seems. We finally turn the corner into a large room that looks far grander than the rest... but it was empty, I expected to see a literal Grail but it feels more like a vast lobby.

Fate/Chaotic Distortion: God's Sins (Fate Females x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now