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Andrea looked at me with wide eyes. "Just step on the gas and let's get going!" She says and after seconds we found ourselves oitside of campus. "What was that all about?" She turns to me.

"I dont know. It just came out of my mouth!" I look at her and bit my lip to hold my laughter.

"Well let's just hope they didn't see us. I found out some information about him. His name is Christian Collins, a smart-ass badboy back in high school and now a famous cutie in this school" She says. She is still busy with her phone.

"Cutie?! As if!" i snort. Denying much! Well he is cute. "If you say that again I'm gonna be forced to stab you in the eye. Maybe you'll see clearer."

"Yeah. Lets pretend you didn't almost drool when we saw him earlier." She says and chuckles.

"Uhh! I didn't drool! Change topic please!. What do you think I should do to make my relationship with Shawn a little stronger? I thought about it after you made that speech about partner not making effort and all." She looks at me for a second and turns back to her phone.

"Hmm. Dinner sounds good. A formal date not the usual dates you go to. I mean people go to bars to drink not to date."

"Yeah. Dinner is good. I'll prepare him dinner tomorrow though. I have a lot going on right now. I have to digest in my mind what I did back there."

"Uh huh. Here, here. Drop me off here." I search for a legal space to park.

"The mall? And you're going alone?" This is so unlike her. Not going to the mall with any of her friends?

"Am i not allowed to? Well anyway I'm meeting my brother." She raises her brow at me.

"Yeah sure, sure." She gets out and I drive straight home.

I put down my bag at the kitchen counter and grabbed something to drink. I start doing my homework in Calculus and it gets on my nerves.

I take a break from my studying. And i text Shawn. He didn't text me this morning and i am pissed. What's with him? But when I texted him. I am actualy happy how our conversation goes. It went well and I am excited! I think he is starting to make it work again... so here is how our conversation went ....

Me: *hey. You didn't text me earlier. So is that it? We dont text and we dont see each other anymore?*

Shawn: *we could hangout tomorrow if you want. I will make it up to you.*

Me: *how huh?*

Shawn: * dinner? *

Me: * when?  *

Shawn: * tomorrow night. Maybe? :)*

Me: *that sounds good. You promise to come okay?*

Shawn: *yeah. Why wouldn't i? It's our time. :) Tomorrow i will pick you up at 8*

I didn't respond to his last message. I got all excited when he called it our time. I immediately stood up and look for what outfit to wear tomorrow night. With my date. With my man. I can't believe this is actually happening! We are dating for a year and half and our last romantic date was when we went to the movies to watch THE EXPENDABLES and walked around the park that made my feet sore. I know it's not your ideal date and all but we were young and inlove. And that's his idea of romantic back then. He finally has ideas on what romantic date really means.

I am here in my last class now. Thank God! I am so excited on what's going to happen later tonight. I can't stop thinking about it.

"Uhh miss?" Says someone who just entered the room.

"Yes?" I turn to look at him. He is the type of guy that wears ear piercings and still look cute and hot without even trying.

"Is this seat taken?" He smiles and points to the chair beside me.

"Uhm. No, i guess nobody wants to sit beside me." I make a corny joke just to make the air light and comfortable for us.

He let's out a chuckle and walks to the chair beside me. "I'm Mars. And you are?"

"I'm Raffy. Raffy Rogers, but friends and family call me Raf" I lift my hand in an attempt to shake his hand. He just looks at my hand and began laughing.

"Oh come on! You're too formal. Shakehands? Really? What are you running for an election or something? Lets just do hi-five" he raises his hand in the air.

I look at him and say "No". His face filled with embarassment. I chuckle. "No as in no way I dont do high fives! I only do bro-fists!" I raise my knuckle and his frown was washed off. He joins me in my laughter. He stops laughing when he sees someone enter the door. He calls for whoever it is.

"Chris! Yow Christian come over here!"

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Vote, vote, comment, vote please. Haha thanks.
(Christian Collins as Christian Collins) if you dont know him. Type his name on google search or type Weeklychris. He is a youtuber. :) Google him so you can see his physical features and its easier to imagine while reading :)

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