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"You look good though Goblin" he says while not looking at me. My ears went deaf. One minute we're having a pillow fight then next he's being nice to me? What a bipolar green-eyed monster! I haven't spoken another word. This is so awkward. Say something!

"Do you like potatoes?" What? I asked about potatoes? Really? He looked at me for a sec then back on the road. He let out a chuckle.

"Potatoes?" He chuckled again. "They're not so bad" he smiled.

"Yeah. I love potatoes. You know one time when I was 8 when our family and their friends along with their kids would have dinner at our house, there was that one kid that always pisses me off. She pulls my hair, she gives me candy and tells my parents I stole it from her and cries for no reason when I come close to her. She is a total devil.."

I stop myself remembering why am I telling this story again? This girl I am talking about was the girl making out with my boyfriend. She didn't even text me to apologize for what she had done. And neither of Gess and Jean knew about the issue. He drags me out of my thoughts when he speaks.

"And? Where is the potato part in your story there?"

I just continue. "One night we had dinner at our house and she was sitting beside me. She keeps on kicking my foot under the table. She got into my nerves so I stood up from my chair, grabbed my mashed potatoes on my plate and threw it at her face."

Smiles forming on his lips. "So what happened then?"

"She threw her potatoes at me too but she missed and it went straight to the person beside me which was my mother." I laugh while remembering the moment. "I got grounded for a month and so did she" I try to hold the tears I didn't know I have been holding since the night at the party.

He notices my eyes and laughs a bit. "Hey. Being grounded for a month is not that bad. You cry for that?"

I smile at his comments. "Its not that. After that we got along very well and became friends until this time of college."

"Ahh I see. The beginning of BFF's Forever thingy." He copies how girls say it. It made me laugh a bit.

"Well not anymore" I kind of whispered. Then bowed my head. Why the hell is this trio to the restaurant taking too long! He looks at me and he finally gets it.

"Oh." Pause. "Gob- I mean Raffy we are here."

We are here in a fancy restaurant. Im sure he is used to coming here. He doesn't use his truck instead he drives a mustang now. Rich kid. The dinner was silent, well atleast only for me. My parents were murdering Collins with so many questions that I didn't mind to listen to.

"Raff? How are you and Shawn?" My mother. I didn't know what to say. Should I tell them? I look at Collins and he stays silent. Well maybe I should tell them, they dont like him anyway.

"There is no me and Shawn, mom." I still crack out a smile signaling Im okay. My dad looks a bit shocked.

"Im sorry for that." Mom. He turns to Collins. "Chris are you single?" I cough dramatically with eyes wide.

"Mom!" My dad just laughs. Oh gosh.

"What? I didn't say anything wrong?" He turns again to Collins who is smiling like an Idiot.

"Well actually yes I am single." I felt something inside me that lightened up.

"That is good to hear. I didn't expect you to say yes. A handsome guy like you shouldn't be alone like that." She wipes her mouth with her napkin. "Why dont you date Raffy?" I felt my jaw drop until it reached 6ft underground.

"Wow Mom! You are definitely the best mom ever." Sarcasm. I hear the two boys laugh.

"Oh come on honey. Let them be. Thats up to Chris" My dad joining the conversation. I almost forgot he was there.

"But they look cute together. I know we can agree with that." I felt my cheeks tinted red. Superman, help! Im in a lot of trouble here.

Dinner was finally done. And my parents decided to go home because they have to be early tomorrow. The dinner we had was a celebration because my father had gis promotion. His overtimes finally paid off.

Collins drived quietly. Too quiet. I close my eyes to relax myself. I am so tired right now. He turned on the radio. And a loud rock song immediately played. I groan and open my eyes.

"Why did you turn it on. I was about to sleep."

"That's exactly the point. I dont want to carry you to your house. One, your neighbors will see us and think about things. Two, your too fat for my muscles to carry you anyway." Smirk forming slowly on his face.

I gasp dramatically. "You have muscles?" Sarcastic way. With a shocked expression painted on my face. He smirks.

"You just want me to show you my abs"

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A Glimpse of Heaven... (weeklychris/christian collins fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now