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Main character:

1) Aayushman Oberoi:

27, Joint CEO of Oberoi Industries with his brother. He is a short-tempered person who is very particular in everything. He loves his family a lot. He has a cold demeanor in the office and is a soft guy on the inside. He is close with his twin brother, Abhimanyu, and friends Laksh, Aarav, and Roy.

2) Kyra Malhotra

26, Eldest daughter of the CEO of Malhotra Industries. She is a lawyer and wants to earn her own money, so she works with Oberoi Industries as head of the Department. She loves her family and her best friend, Elena, and Aarav (common friends with Aayushman and Kyra). She has some secrets which she keeps away from everyone except her loved ones. 

3) Abhimanyu Oberoi

27, Brother of Aayushman Oberoi, Joint CEO of the Oberoi Industries, works with his brother. He is very sharp and calmer than his brother. 

4) Aarav Mehra

26, Best friend of Aayushmaan Oberoi and Kyra Malhotra. His wife is Elena, who he met through Kyra. He and Kyra went to law school together. He owns one of the top law firms. He is fun to know and funny. 

5) Elena Mehra

26, best friends with Kyra Malhotra and wife of Aarav Malhotra. She is a supportive friend and the friend that everyone needs. 

6) Kalyani Oberoi:

Mother of Aayushman and Abhimanyu. She is very sweet and outgoing. She loves everyone and loves helping people. 

7) Ryan Oberoi:

Father of Aayushman and Abhimanyu. He is strict but caring at the same time. He is short-tempered but can control his temper.

8) Ishika Malhotra:

Mother of Kyra. She is amazing at everything and loves animals. She kind of has a love hate relationship with her mother. However, she is always there for them when they need her. Her in-laws love her and accept her. 

9) Anand Malhotra:

Father of Kyra. He is the CEO of Malhotra Industries. He is very supportive and loving. He is very intelligent. 

10) Kiara Malhotra:

Sister of Kyra. She is one of her sister's best friends. She is just two years younger than Kyra but is one of the most understanding people. She will be heading the Malhotra Industries.

A/N: This is my first story. English is not my first language. Please excuse me fore the grammatical errors as this is mix of American and British English. 

Do not dare to copy this book. 

I will edit it in the future if there are any additions in the characters. 


- By Destiny

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