Chapter 27

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Hiii! The last month has been a rollercoaster of emotions. I have my exams going on right now. I will be posting every Saturday and Wednesday! I'm really sorry for not being consistent. Stay hydrated and loads of love from me!


I was woken up in the morning by my lovely fiancée sleeping in my arms. She looked peaceful while the sunlight shyly seeped into my room. Her hair were looking a bit messy but they were smelling like my shampoo which I loved a lot. I got up and sat on the bed checking my emails after brushing my teeth. I was suddenly called by my secretary that my meeting had been cancelled and I had morning shift open. I softly looked at Kyra and rubbed the pad of my thumb on her cheek. It was very soft, softer than cotton and smoother than silk. I smiled to myself and I started to softly wake her up. 

She was up in no time and I gave her a spare toothbrush and told her I was waiting for her so we could go downstairs together for breakfast. She came out with her hair tied into a bun which made me pout, but her black specs made her look small in my clothes which was way too adorable for me to handle. I held her hand and we went down together. We went down and saw my parents already in the living room going through some old videos of my childhood. I sat down with them on the carpet and asked, "Are you looking at our old videos?" MY mother nodded a yes and said, "I was given a DVD by Anushka. She told me to watch it with everyone." I let out a huff of defeat, almost guessing what video it was and I went to see what was there for breakfast, while Kyra readily agreed and sat with my parents. Suddenly the video started and it was the one when I was 5 years old. 

I was playing with Anushka, my cousin and she said to me playfully, "Aayush, once we grow up, we will marry." and I sternly rejected in her video saying, "No, I'm gonna marry my Kaykay, and not anyone else." and  I ran away. As soon as the video stopped I felt everyone look at me with a frown on their faces. I gave them an embarrassing smile and said, "Well, we used to play house back then when we were kids and the two of us would always end up being each other's partners. And so,.... ahhh.", I could feel myself blushing while trying to explain the video. I made a mental note to go and have a talk with Anushka, and went on trying to explain them but failing miserably. 

I was almost going to loose, but then Kyra said, "I don't want to interrupt the moment, but I have to get to work by 10. I'm kind of running late, can we have our breakfast?" We all quickly agreed and we went to have our food. As soon as I tasted it I said, "Mom, this is very very delicious. I'm gonna enjoy my first half sleeping after eating this amazing sooji halwa." She laughed and said okay while Kyra said, "Mom, this is literally my new favorite sweet from now on. It just melts in my mouth! Please teach me how to make it." My mom dramatically bowed down and said, "The pleasure will be mine." We all laughed at her antics. We were done and were about to go to our rooms when my mom asked, "Well, Kyra, would you like to join us at our weekly family dinner now that you are a part of our family?" Kyra told that she was okay with it and then we quickly went to our rooms to get ready. I came out of the shower and Kyra asked me, "Do you have a t-shirt which I can borrow?"

I nodded and gave her one of my white t-shirt and she dashed into the washroom to get ready. She came out wearing her jeans from the previous day and the white t-shirt which I gave her. She looked adorable. She had a cute rose gold necklace hung around her neck which stood out more because of the white t-shirt. "You look gorgeous babe. I can stare at you all day long.", I said with a smug smirk while she just walked away nodding her head left and right. She soon left for work while I decided to stay back and help my mother with some wedding related stuff. We were planning out when we could start with the shopping and stuff as the date was approaching fast. 

I decided to go and surprise my fiancée who was working so hard in the office. I went to her office and asked her secretary if I could meet her, however she told me that Kyra was in a meeting and I would need to wait till the meeting ended. I went to her cabin and looked around the place. The place was beautiful. I loved the view of the city which it got. I was lost in the view, and did not notice when someone came inside. "You like the view huh?". I heard Kyra ask me. I replied while still looking at the city, "Umm yea, but I I'm here to meet someone who is a much more beautiful view." She laughed a little and came in front of me with a file and gave it to me. 

I looked at her with a confusing gaze and she said, "Those are the documents which you require if you fucking ex tries to interfere between the companies or between us. Just keep them with you. I'm planning something. You will get to know about it soon.", she said in a serious tone and I nodded a okay. I kept it away and went in front of her and asked, "Well, do you have a lot of work right now? I came here because I was not able to concentrate on my work.." She took out her glasses and said, "Go on Aayu, I am listening. I just need to get done with this file, then I'm all yours." I nodded and told her to get done with her work, while I took out my laptop and started to work too. 

I was lost in my work, when she suddenly said, "I'm done with my work." I looked up at her with a smile and kept my laptop in my bag. I ran my hand through my hair, something I knew she secretly loved. "So, what are we going to do today?", she asked me. "Well, we are going to do nothing and sit back and relax at our place.", I replied calmly. "Come on. You can't ask me to do nothing after coming to pick me up from work.", she said getting slightly irritated. I sighed and continued, "We can do whatever you want to do then." "I want to work some more then. Let's just get back home and work.", she said while I pulled over the car and said, "You know right you are not at all taking care about yourself. Your eating schedule is messed, so is your sleeping schedule. And we need to get it right." 

"Everyone can't expect me to be perfect at everything. It just happens sometimes. It's not in my hands that I love working so much.", she said protesting. Sensing something was wrong with her mood and she needed space and time to clear it off. I decided to take a drive alongside the sea line.  I stopped the car where there was some parking and I got out, "Get out bubs, we are taking a walk." She got out and started walking near the reclaimed area to lean onto the bench. She inhaled deeply and I back hugged her. "I have been noticing something off about you recently. Is something wrong baby? Let it out, I'm here to listen.", I said in the softest voice ever.

"It's nothing Aayushman, just a little uneasiness and self-doubt. I'm kind of doubting myself if I even make a good fiancée to you. Being honest, I'm nowhere near those girls who ae all dolled up all the time, I'm not the one who can be controlled, hell I don't like being controlled by anyone and am a workaholic. I don't know how to express myself nor am I good at comforting anyone. Hell of it, I'm not at all romantic. I love you a lot, but I don't know how to express it.", she started rambling.

 I stood in front of her and kept my right index finger on her lips and said, "Enough of rambling baby. Now you are going to listen to what I'm saying and then continue. It's okay to doubt yourself honey, but I want you to know that you are the best. You are everything I ever wanted in my life. I love you because you are you. It doesn't matter to me if you are dolled up or not. I'm proud that you love carrying yourself just the way you are. I'll love you equally if you are totally dressed up or if you are just in a pair of shorts and tees. And for your knowledge, you know I was the happiest man alive knowing that my fiancée has won the Entrepreneur of the year award! I'm very proud of the woman and the businesswoman you are. And speaking of expressing yourself, you do express your love for me and I have noticed it. Like staying by my side the entire time when it thunders, keeping my side when I'm not feeling the best. Giving me that killer smile of yours and making me forget every kind of worry in the world, cooking my favorite food even though you hate it or walking up to my ex and threatening to file a case against her. I love you no matter what happens and I you don't need to feel bad or think you don't express yourself. I'll make you love every part of you that you hate and make sure you never think about it in a bad way."

She was now looking at me with teary eyes and quickly pecked my lips. I was kind of shocked but soon, I held her waist and pulled her closer to me and held her face in the cup of my palms and slowly kissed her. I could feel tears flow down from her eyes and she wrapped her arms around my torso. It felt like two pieces of puzzle fitting into each other. She pulled away when she was out of breath and said, "Thanks a lot Aayu, for loving me and being with me. I will make sure to be the best possible version of me for us." I gave her a soft smile and we sat there for some time watching the sun.  

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