Chapter 25

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I'm back everyone! Kind of in a writers block and in need of motivation to other factors in life going down. But I guarantee you all I'll be regular in posting

Am I the only one who loves flowers which have a meaning behind them?

Do vote and tell me if you like it!


I was sitting on the seat besides Kyra holding her hands under the table. I saw two most unexpected and unwanted people approaching our seats. It was Rhea Sanon, my ex-girlfriend and her father. Kyra greeted the man and his daughter, who made my face go pale by her disgusting smirk and attire. I ignored them and focused on Kyra and talked with her. Soon Abhi to joined us and sat besides me, on the seat besides me. I nodded him it was okay and he to agreed. 

When Kyra went to accept her award, Rhea, came and sat besides me. I scooted to the other side and told her to maintain her distance from me. She said, "Come back to me honey. I know you miss me too." I said, "Fuck off, don't even try coming near me or my family and for your information I'm engaged." She replied with her awful voice, "Well, leave her then or I'll make you leave her." I said angrily, yet smugly, "Well try me." I got up while anger raged through my entire body and went to the business lounge. I was followed by Abhi, who immediately got some water knowing how angry I get at times. Soon, I heard Kyra's asking me what was wrong. I angrily replied back to her and told her that I didn't want to talk at that time and wanted some time alone. She angrily walked out and went home. I was bought back by Abhi who said, "Aayush, what you did was wrong. She was just concerned about you. Kyra deserves to know who that f*cker girl is. She is going to marry you soon." 

I nodded a yes and stayed like that for sometime till I calmed down. Soon Eloise joined us and I told her what happened. She told me dramatically, "Aayu, go and apologize to her. She is one hell of an angry woman, who will have a bad day tomorrow and will make everyone suffer. Everyone is scared of her once she is angry. In our family we call her little devil. Please for your own and for our sake please go and get your girl." I gave her a small soft smile and went with my car. On my way, I saw a florist's shop, so I decided to get some flowers for her. I got them and got her favourite chinese take out meal and went to her place. I rang the bell and she opened the door. Her face was gloomy, but I went in with a soft smile and pecked her lips softly. 

She scoffed and closed the door and turned back to me. I went near her and handed over the flower bouquet to her. It had red and yellow roses. I said, "You know, what do yellow roses mean? They mean I'm sorry and I'm disappointed in myself and the red roses mean, I really really really love you alotttttt. On that notes, I'm really sorry for what I did back there. I should have been more calm and respected your feelings too. Will you forgive me?" She looked at the flowers and looked at me ands nodded a yes while smiling softly while looking at them.

 She came near me after keeping the bouquet and said, "I'm sorry too. I should have been more calmer too. I just couldn't see you getting so worked up." I nodded a no and said, "Kyra, the girl was the girl who cheated on me. When I saw her at first, I was scared, but then, I had you, and that's all that matters to me. However, when you went to accept the award she tried to get me back with her, but I rejected her by saying I was engaged. But then she was like leave her and get back with me. That was the last string which she pulled, that's why I went out of the hall to lounge. I'm sorry. I was very angry." She came closer to me than what she already was. She gently pecked my lips and then pulled me into a french kiss. "I love you Aayu. I trust you and I know you will never let anything happen to the both of us." 

I tucked her hair behind her ear and pulled her in a hug. We relaxed in each other's arms. I softly took her face in my palms and pecked her forehead followed by her cheeks and then her lips. She smiled widely at me and held her hands on my biceps, which I flexed on purpose. She said, "Stop flexing Aayu. I can feel you flexing them under my palms." I laughed with her. "Well, did your parents tell you we are staring with the wedding preparations tomorrow, and we have to go out on a dinner with them tomorrow to his house.", she asked me curiously. I nodded a yes and told her that I had informed our parents that we would directly head there from work."

She asked, "Well, do you want to go on a date tomorrow?" I thought for a second and said, "I would have loved too, but I wanted to take you somewhere. Pleaseeeee." She nodded a okay. "Aayu, get changed into something comfy. I'll order something." "Actually I did get us your favorite chinese take out, so you don't need to order, but a scoop of ice cream may work.", I said and winked at her while walking up the stairs to our room. I quickly took a shower and came down in my  shorts with my towel hung around my neck. I went to the kitchen and saw Kyra cutting something. I went behind and back-hugged her. I could feel her smile and I asked, "What are you doing love?" She just replied that she is plating the food I got for us. I stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoy her warmth, but then she told me to move away as the water from my hair was falling on her shoulders which was making her tickle. I laughed and went to sot across the cooking counter. 

I quickly went and dried my hair and came out to back-hug  her. She giggled feeling me clinging onto her again. "Don't you love doing this a lot ,huh?" I mumbled a small yes while pecking her ear. She turned back to face me once she was done and hugged me tightly. "So, my dear handsome, you are being unusually clingy and that makes me think that there is something you wish to tell me." I nodded a no and said, "I just feel sorry for not behaving properly earlier. So, I feel like this." She said okay and the we went to sit on the sofa. "Aayu, are you seriously not feeling cold? Like the air-con is on full swing." I smirked and said, "As I say, when I have my hot fiancee, I don't have to care about feeling hot." She slapped my arms softly while I chuckled. She said, "Sheesh! I can't believe you can be such a flirt sometimes." "Always for you baby.", I answered.

We had our food and headed to the bed as we both seemed to be tired. I tucked the both of us and I pulled her close to me and began cuddling her. Her warm breath fell on my chest and neck which calmed me and made me feel peaceful. Her hair, smelled beautiful and the warmth which she gave me to me made me slip into deep sleep. In the morning, I was woken up at my usual time and I looked at Kyra who was clinging onto me like her life depended on it. I smiled softly and tucked her hair to take a look at her sleeping face. Her features were relaxed and she looked very comfortable. My feet touched her legs, which were cold as hell. I had noticed in the few months that I had stayed with her that her legs would quickly get cold. I kept my warm legs on hers and tried to make them less cold. However, I saw her eyes twitching and saw them slowly open. 

I looked at her with a soft smile and stared at her waking up by lifting my head up with my elbow's support. She half-opened her eyes and looked at me. I pulled her closer to me by my waist, but she wiggled out. My smile dropped and she said in her morning groggy voice, "No, I'll fall asleep again if you keep me closer to you and give me warmth." I said, "I'm doing my job love, of keeping you warm. I don't want to get up." She gave me a sleepy smile and opened her arms and asked me to hug her. I hugged her quickly and we cuddled for sometime. 

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