Chapter 13

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Hey Peopleeee! Its your Author Des, and I wanted to tell you all, a very thank you for 100 reads! 

I am literally hoping for 5 votes for this chapter, 

I will post the next one only after you all achieve this goal! 

Please leave your reviews and comment on your favourite parts so I can know what type of scenes you all like to read!

Thanks a lot, love you all loads and stay hydrated!


It was literally 7 am when Kyra asked me to meet her at the Clementine Industries with Abhi. I was kind of scared what was going to happen but then I got an idea to prank her. I knew what was coming in and hence I knew it would perfectly work. I told Abhi to act like they are angry and then once she says everything we will tell her we knew it from the beginning.

We both went there and she led us to her cabin. After knowing about her being the chairman, I had spoken with dad when I had been there yesterday. He had told us about it from scratch and I could only say that I was proud of her. Not only because she was the woman of my dreams, but also because she proved that a woman can do whatever she likes and lead the way. She told us about it and we acted as we were angry. I could sense that she was about to cry, but then Abhi and I burst out laughing. She hit my playfully on my chest, but I hugged her tightly. Soon Abhi joined us in the hug. 

Suddenly someone came into her cabin and the CEO, Eloise Clementine entered her cabin. She came in and told us that the meeting room was set up. We went in and started the meeting. After the meeting was over, everyone had left the cabin but the four of us, Eloise, Kyra, Abhi and I. We were wrapping up our stuff, when Kyra said, "Eloise, meet Aayushman Oberoi, he is courting me and Abhimanyu Oberoi, his twin brother." I smiled and extended my hand to shake hands with her followed by Abhimanyu. Kyra excitedly asked Abhi and me," What are you both planning tonight? Do you want to go to my favorite place?" Eloise had a mischievous grin on her face and said, "Aayushman, you wont be able to survive if you see her there." Kyra slapped her hand and looked at me with curious eyes. Abhi said before I could say anything that we would love to join them. 

"I'll pick you up by 8? Just ping me you address. I'll leave, as I have some work.", she said and got up to leave. She left when I felt the urge to go and meet her again. I asked Eloise if I could go and went to Kyra's cabin. I knocked in when I heard a come in from Kyra. She was sitting on the chair while working on her computer. "Hey! I wanted to talk. Are you free tomorrow. I want to take you out somewhere, for dinner.", I asked nervously. She looked at me while smiling and said, "Umm sure, but before that, I want to take take you out for lunch tomorrow." I grinned at her and said that it was okay.

I went near her to kiss her forehead. She got up and hugged me tightly and mumbled a soft I miss you in an almost inaudible tone, but I beard it. I responded by saying, "I missed you too." She laughed a little. I pulled out of the hug and mumbled a small bye and left. I went home and got ready in my black Jeans and black t-shirt tucked in. I wore a few silver rings, which were my favourite and gel-ed my hair.

I sneaked into Abhi's closet and stole his mustard colored leather jacket. Abhi came out wearing something similar to my outfit but chose to wear a black leather jacket. He saw me and scoffed and said, "Trying to look good for Bhabi huh? Anyways what are your plans for tomorrow? I was planning to meet Harsh and Rishika tomorrow since we are here. HE was asking about you so..." I smiled at him mischievously and said, "I'm going for lunch with your bhabi and for dinner I'm taking her to propose." He gave me a O face and I slapped the back of his neck and told him that Kyra was here." We went downstairs to see Kyra sitting in the front with Eloise besides her. On seeing me, Eloise climbed into the backseat and signaled me to sit in the front seat. 

I sat and saw Kyra wearing blue shorts with a blue denim jacket. She was wearing a see-though top, and she just looked stunning. This woman was making my heart flutter in a completely different way and showing me all of her colors from the time we have arrived, but oh boy, I was loving it like never before. I started to play some party songs, and everyone started to vibe over them. We stopped in front of one of the famous night clubs here. I gave Kyra a are you serious look to which she told us to get out out of the car. The valet parker came and took the car to the parking, while the 4 of us entered the building and went on the top floor. 

There was a small door, painted in grey and it opened up to a huge place, which looked like a hideout. Kyra turned to look at us and told, "So guys, welcome to my hideout!!!! I got this a few years ago because no one would buy this place. I renovated it and then made this my hideout." My mouth hung open after looking at how pretty it looked. It had a game console, along with a huge screen, a movie projector, a large mattress in front of it with many pillows and blankets. She also had a small library wit a cozy seating near the window.  "You know right you are giving us shocks since the time we have stepped into NYC, more likely you have become wild and crazy." ,I said while looking at her.

She smiled to herself and said,"Aayu, it's not about being wild, maybe you are just looking at my real self. I'm not a caged bird here. Although, I was born over there and raised, it's her where I actually found myself and started to cherish what I like and dislike. This place makes me feel more free." I asked her curiously, "Then why didn't you stay here and came back over there?" Her smile dropped and Eloise hugged her kind of not wanting her to tell, but Kyra said,"Elo, it's okay, he deserves to know, maybe if you can give us a little privacy.", on hearing that Abhi and Eloise went outside and only the two of us were left there. 

Kyra said, "I came back because, of my grandparents. After a few months of graduating, when I was working here, I had secretary named Zach Hawke. He tried to hit on me and once, he almost kidnapped me, he was a pshycopath, obsessed with me. After the incident, my parents called me back and told me to work from Mumbai that time. So, I came back. But you know something, I'm happier now and it's just a small incident. It was hard, but I'm very happy now with my life. Honestly, there is more to my story, but let's save it for some another day.", she came a closer to me and whispered in me ears, "And I'm much more happier than that since the time you entered my life." She said and was about to go back, when I encircled my hands around her waist and pulled her so close to mee such that our mouths were about to touch, and our eyes staring into each others. 

"Stay like this.", I mumbled and she hugged me and buried her head in my chest. I held her chin and made her look at me. It was the limit of me, I couldn't stay anymore without saying it. I mumbled, "I love you, Kyra."  

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