Chapter 1: New Beginnings

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Olivia Stock; Ultimate Detective

I grip the cold metal doors, slowly pulling them open as my scarf slid from my neck down my shoulders. I enter and feel the warmth of the building and begin to remove my scarf and gloves. Without going further, a strong unpleasant smell rushes into my lungs, black licorice? No... it's hay, or is it grass-. The lights go dark.

As I slowly blink open my eyes, I feel the coldness of the room, like an abandoned classroom. I sit up noticing all the drool dripping from my mouth, on my numb cheeks and the desk written all over with colorful pens and markers. I sat up slowly, noting the drool dripping from my mouth.

"Ew, gross!"

I wipe it off with my handkerchief and examine the room in disgust. Dust scattered and torn paper everywhere. Chalk all over the board with unreadable words printed, and not to mention the noticeable blood splatters that appear to be a week old. But the thing I'm more concerned about are the boarded, metal windows that seem impenetrable. I get up from the scrawny chair and walk up to this so-called ''window'', trying to find a ledge or something to open it.

After struggling for what feels like hours,. Finding that it won't open. I looked over for something else to mess with when I noticed the old notebooks along the door. I walked over, avoiding all the dirty desks and papers that littered the floor.I went to pick up an old, red, covered, spiral bound notebook. The name written with sharpie was fading and made it hard to read. I opened the first page and the only things I could make out was, "TORTURE", "SOS", "WHERE AM I", and more. I dropped the book in total shock.

"Where am I?"

I look over at the door and walk over. There was a sliver of light coming out. And as I held my breath I twisted the doorknob and swung it open. It was a normal school hallway; tan walls and the checkered floors. It had a different atmosphere than the classroom I was in. I walk forward, with my footsteps echoing back. Looking left to right deciding which way to go. It was the very big red arrow in the left hallway indicating to go to the left hall and turn right that made me go. As I continue my half walk half run, I listen to my surroundings and notice an echo of footsteps from behind.

I slow my steps to listen more and notice the echoing steps continue it's fast pace, confirming other people here. As I turn to the left I hear chatter coming from double doors at the right. I stand in front of the door and read the word "GYM" engraved at the top. I slowly but surely push open the doors, revealing a diversity of other students. The doors clattered as I opened them, a little creak as they closed shut behind me. The other students looked in my direction, glares, stares and looks of confusion surrounded me like cologne.

"Uh, hi?

But it felt like I was a stranger who is only here for a special occasion. A group of boys in one corner, actually probably all of them, and the rest of the girls spread out.

"Hey, do you know if anyone else is coming?" A blonde haired girl with a navy, white, and gray colored uniform for a sport came up to me and asked, asked with a hint of impatience.

"Uhh, I think I heard some footsteps behind me, but I don't know of anyone else."

"Oh, ok just sit down and we'll wait some more."

As if in sync, everyone sat back down with a sigh overflowing the room. I sat down slowly and looked around at everyone, mostly friendly faces but I couldn't say the same for everyone. I took this time to count the people in the room. 13, including myself, 14 in total, that's an odd number for students. A few minutes later I heard faint footsteps coming from outside the double doors to the gym and they kept getting closer. The blonde girl seemed to hear them too as she got a bit alarmed and looked over at the doors. The atmosphere became tense and everyone was expecting something like an anticipating lion waiting for their prey.

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