Chapter 8: Double?

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"A body has been discovered! Report to Alani's room for an investigation, puhuhuhuhu!"

We stood in silence as Monokuma laughed in our faces.

"Oh my gosh. I never imagined Alani would do something like this." Van sighed. She put her hand on her head and gave a stressful sigh. Then footsteps from the second floor stairs surfaced. Everyone rushed in and swarmed her room. I stood up and tried to stay calm.

"Ok. Um, how about uh." I stuttered. I just couldn't get any words out. There's like a lump in my throat.

"Uh, you take a rest. I'll take it from here." Van butt in.

"I, Olivia, and... Elliot will stay and investigate. The rest look around."

I sat down as everyone shifted to their group.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6..?

Only 6?

"Hey where'd Anna go?" Jazlin asked.

"Now that you mention it I haven't seen her since yesterday." Lilly worrily agreed.

"Maybe she's snoring in her sleep right now, we should focus on investigating." Van dismissed.

"But-" I started.

"No Buts, go do some weird detective stuff!" And with that Van turned and went slowly into the room.

"Good luck Olivia!" Viona smiled as she walked away with her small group.

I slowly walked into the room with Elliot and Van in front.

"This is just- sick.." Elliot muttered.

"Elliot, you go check the bedroom." I pointed to the slim door near the bathroom.

"Anything to get out of this mess-" He quickly walked into the bedroom.

"What about me?? You can't forget about me!!" Van gave me a glare.

I felt uneasy. "Just go to the bathroom-"

"Okay!" Van skipped into the bathroom.

Now, time to investigate this horrid mess.

The main room was small, but a lot unfolded into this small scene. In the corner was a big green armchair and right next to it, was Alani. The big thud I had heard was Alaini falling from her hook. Across the room, there was a dressing table with a big mirror on the wall in front of it.

"This mirror has a big crack right through the center-" I was looking at the shattered mirror when I heard Van yell.

"OLIVIA. COME AND SEE THIS!" I saw Van poke her head out from the bathroom.

I didn't know what was so important, maybe she was just tricking me? I had no way to know so I went anyway. I ran to the bathroom and I saw Van, standing next to a hand.

"ELLIOT, COME QUICK!" Van stepped outside again. I heard quick steps as Elliot made his way into the room.


"Ahem! A hand has been discovered! Get ready for another chilling investigation! This is a double kill too! Puhuhuhuhu!"

Monokuma hid his face with his hands.

"How is there only a hand? Alani has both her hands-" Elliot started.

"Don't be stupid! This is Anna's hand!" Van grabbed a magazine from a shelf and hit him with it.

"Well if her hand is here, WHERE IS HER BODY?" Elliot grabbed a magazine from the same shelf and hit Van with it.

"Don't hit a lady!" Van shouted.

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