Chapter 6: Baller

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I ran out after her and we both made our way down to the kitchen.

"I- Finn?" Elliot just stood there unaware of what to do.

I swung around the doorway and looked into the kitchen.

"Another kitchen death? Funny!" Van giggled but immediately dropped the smile as she pulled open the metal wall and gave us more space.

"It's not funny stupid!" Lilly yelled.

I pushed through the small crowd of people and stood beside Finn. I examined the scene and saw blood splattered all over the floor with a bloody knife next to Finn's body. The sink had blood splatters in it, probably from where the killer washed their hands. Finn's body seemed untouched but.

"Oh- this is-" Lilly gagged. I stopped myself in my tracks and went over to help her.

"Guys look!" Van pointed at the already cut pie on the counter.

"A pie? What about it?'

"Wait, it has a kind of pale-ish blue tint." I commented.

"And look at this! Apples."

"I don't understand a thing you're saying Van."

"I read in a book once about fruits." she implied, "The seeds inside the apples contain amygdalin. It's made of cyanide and sugar."

"Wait so you're implying that-" I started but got cut off by Anna.

"Apples can kill humans!?"

"Technically yes. Enough of them crushed will turn into hydrogen cyanide."

"Wait but how do we know he ate it?'' Jazlin asked.

"Check the trash can, check the whole kitchen. But for now we will assume that he consumed hydrogen cyanide from this pie."

'Yup, that's definitely apple pie." Viona popped up from behind and notified us.

"For sure?"

"Elliott told me she would make apple pies for us to cheer up the mood, never thought this would've happened though."

"Anyways! Now we know that Finn was poisoned, right?" Lilly looked around me at the nodding faces. "But by who?"

"But Monkuma announced some bodies. meaning there's more than one dead body."

"Right, we should split and find the other body." Lilly agreed

"Ok, Elliot, Alani, Anna, Lilly will go and find the other body." I instructed "The rest stay and investigate.

"HUH? BUT I WANTED TO FIND THE OTHER BODY." Van loudly cried out.

"Van, be serious, we can't joke around with this."

"Right, right"

"When you guys find the body Monokuma is likely to make an announcement. Just ignore him and continue investigating. Look at every inch of the room."

"Ok, bye Olive."

I waved bye and turned back to investigate the kitchen. Everyone was standing still, not doing anything. I sighed and walked up to the group.

"Ok, lets pick up his body and examine his body for any clues on how he was killed or anything."

A few nodded and walked up to his body. Some, ahem Van, weren't paying attention. I walked up to Viona and asked her about Linda.

"Oh, she didn't do much. But I think at one point I lost sight of her but it wasn't that long." she half-whispered. I gave a sigh of relief.

"Ok let's go back."

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