Chapter 10: Another murder?

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"Huh-" I was so used to hearing the bell now for murders that I quickly shot up out of dead sleep.

"Oh." I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and moved my blanket around as I got up.

I paced my room for about 5 minutes before I decided to go down and eat something. I walked to my door and moved the lock to the side and opened my door.

"Good Morning Olivia!" Lilly was standing right at my door. "I was about to come get you. You're just sooooooo slow."

"Oh, sorry. I was just about to go eat." I smiled, very awkwardly.

"Then let's go eat together? I was thinking about getting Van, but scratched it." I just stood there, looking at her.

"Well then, let's go!" Lilly started to walk down the hallway.

We walked down the empty hallway till we reached the familiar looking heavy double doors to the gym. The doors slammed closed behind us and we walked across the gym floor, our footsteps echoing. We walked to the tables and I stood for a minute before I went to get my chair. Lilly went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"AHHHH" There was a scream from the kitchen. I looked up from my chair and ran into the kitchen. I slammed into the big heavy door, pain running through my arm.

"Oh my gosh, thank God you're here Olivia! VAN IS CUTTING UP A RAT!" Lilly was standing in a corner.

I looked up at Van, surely enough, she was standing at the counter wearing plastic gloves and holding a rather large knife. A butcher's knife?

"I THOUGHT SHE WAS GOING TO TRY TO FEED IT TO ME SO I SCREAMED." Lilly was still yelling behind me. I sighed and looked at her.

"Don't scream like that unless it's a murder. I had a freaking panic attack." I sat down on the floor and stressfully sighed.

Van giggled. "I wasn't going to make you eat the rat? I was just doing something on it." She set the knife down and leaned against the counter. "You know I would never do that to you!"

"What are you even doing with a rat?" I asked her.

"Just a lab rat." she turned back around and threw away the rat. She grabbed the knife and started to clean it in the sink. I stared at Lilly as she stared back. She's insane.

"Anyways, you two relax. I'll take over." she pointed at herself with her thumbs and held her chest out.

"I don't know. You're not reliable at all."

"Uh huh." She raised an eyebrow at me.

"Okay maybe during trials but all you do is yell and everything."

"Hey! I work hard for this house to be a home! But nevermind that! I promise you you're gonna be glad I cooked it." She pushed me and Lilly out the door and slammed it shut.

We set up the tables and chairs and waited for her to bring the food out.

"Think we should go get Elliot and Jazzlin? They haven't shown up yet." Lilly stood up and pointed to the door with her thumb

"Sure I'll get Jazlin." I stood up too.

"No. I don't want to get Elliot!"

"It doesn't matter, just go."

"No! I won't help then." she sat back down and crossed her arms.

"Fine then, I'll go get them myself." I muttered and started to walk away. I opened the door and slammed it close. I knocked on the boy's dorm and waited. Then the door opened and Elliot stood there. Guess I didn't notice earlier but his eyes were red and puffy and had dark eye bags under them. I guess he didn't take the death of his friends that great.

Danganronpa V4: All hail the 27th classOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora