Chapter 9: SOS

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We shortly arrived in the yard. And we reluctantly went to the elevator. As the squeaky door shut I took off the Authorized Personnel paper I had taped on me and threw it. We barely got time to investigate because of Van's stupid genius and brilliant plan! I guess we'll manage. I gave a sigh and squatted on the floor. Then the squeaky doors opened and the familiar blue tint fills up the dark elevator. I got up and walked into the room. Looking around for my picture. It was to the right of Anna's picture, which had a big red x on it. I sat down and waited for someone to speak up.

"Well first off, there wasn't much stuff outside the room. So we decided to check Ultimate rooms, and bedrooms first." Lilly reported.

"Did you find anything?" I asked.

"First, we checked Alani's which was ALL the way across the dorms and into the yard." she emphasized. She massaged the bridge of her nose and sighed. "But we found nothing. There were just soccer balls, a goal, more soccer balls, and another goal."

"Uh, how about rooms where you found something?"

"Mmm, there were just a few. We found this," Lilly stuffed her hand in her pocket and rummaged around. "We found this shard of something, all I know is that it's black.." She started to hand it to me.

"WAIT! GIVE IT TO ME!" Van yelled at Lilly. She threw her arm toward Lilly, and made a grabby hand motion.

"And why should I give it to you? You're not the detective." Lilly sassed as she continued to pass it to me.

I looked at the shard in my hands. It was something black, with a metallic shine but it was smooth..

"Hand it over, I think I've seen something like that." Van leaning from her seat trying to get to me even though there's a person in between us. I gave it to Lilly, who gave the piece of shard to Van.

"Well anyways, we went to Anna's room next, we were gonna go to yours first but we changed it after the announcement for Anna."

Mines? It's a good thing they didn't check, they might've noticed the missing poison.

"Anyways, we found a cooler of icicles, and a pit of spikes which Anna's body was in."

"A cooler of icicles?" I did a side glance at Van, remembering what she had said about the icicles..


"An icicle could be the perfect murder weapon!" she stated. "Like you wouldn't have to worry about fingerprints nor leaving any weapon behind because it would just melt."


Van clearly didn't notice the attention because she was busy rummaging through her bag, which I didn't see on her before. And she pulled out the remains of the same material that the shard was made of.

"See Lilly, I TOLD YOU! You should have just given it to me in the first place! It belongs to this mask that I found in the gym." Van shoved the mask to my face, although it didn't reach.

"Why were you in the gym?" This was one of the first times that Viona had spoken at this trial.

"I was just investigating all possibilities." Van smiled, knowing that Viona believed her.

Van went to the gym.. Whos ultimate room is in the gym? ... I thought about it for a moment. Viona's!

"Viona, were you in Alani's room the whole time, with everyone else?" I wondered.

"Yeah, I was. And if I went out for a minute, I would get suspicious because of our small group."

"You did leave Viona. I saw you, I'm not as stupid as you may think." Van smirked. "And may I add, you were pretty loud in the process of leaving us."

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