Chapter 12: Traitor

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"A little memory wiping doesn't hurt anyone y'know?"

"It does! We lost all our friends because of your stupid memory wiping!" Jazlin yelled.

"Right. Says the one who was willing to sacrifice anyone and everyone." Van smiled as a video popped up behind her.

The screen flashed white before Jazlins face popped up. "Hello! My name is Jazlin Zweck! I would be a great recruit for this game because I'm willing to Kill and Sacrifice anyone and everyone who gets in my way! I would love to be an astrologist!" She smiled and then the screen turned white then off again.

We all stood, in shock once more. "I.. I didn't say that! That wasn't me! It was just a.. Doppelganger!" Jazlin protested.

Monokuma laughed. "You wish it was a doppelganger! That's you, Jazlin Zweck! Puhuhuhuh!"

"How... How could it possibly be me? I... I wouldn't want anyone to die! Nor kill ANYONE!" Jazlin screamed. Her scream echoed through the room. Lilly covered her ears,

"Is Jazlin the only one who has a video of her saying that stuff? Or do I have one too?" Elliot muttered.

Van thought for a moment. "Of course you have one silly goose! Everyone does!" Van smirked.

As if on cue, the screen flashes white then flashed to Elliot's face. He waved. "Elliot Causey here. Make me the detective or mastermind. I'm just as promising as the others. Whether it be my friends or an enemy I will kill everyone and win!" He laughed then the screen flashed white again and then off.

"What the... Why would I say that?... I'm- I'm not like that. No I'm not"

"Why! You know you wouldn't do anything like that!" Jazlin glared at him.

Van burst out laughing, finding pleasure in everyone's screams and denials. I turned to her angry.

"Van! Stop laughing and explain everything." her hands were covering her stomach, acting like her stomach was hurting from laughing so much. She stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I've been doing this. Ever since. I watched every single person in the past I've met cry and form into a cloud of despair. Don't you think so too Detective?" she smiled at me and a video with my face popped up. I stared in horror as the video began playing.

"My name's Olivia Stock. I've watched every game and every episode of Danganronpa! Make me the mastermind! I'll trick everyone and certainly bring them to the brink of despair!" It laughed out loud and the video got cut off. I fell to the ground. That's me? I wanted this to happen..?

She laughed and almost fell on the ground.


The video got cut off and a thump came from Olive's seat. She fell on the ground defeated. Everyone.. Is so... I turned to Van who was laughing hysterically.

"Van! I always knew you were suspicious." I glared at her as she smirked back at me.

"I don't know Lilly. You were really close to becoming the Mastermind. Even that metal box says. But it was a fixed decision for me to be the Mastermind."

"What? Me become the Mastermind?" I stood back in shock. What is this crazy girl talking about?

"But I'm so proud Lilly. Your persona came out so well."

"Shut your- Wait. What did you just say?" I yelled at her.

"Nyehehe. I was in charge of making everyone's personality, characteristics, clothing, and your brand new brain. You're all a part of my perfect imagination!" How crazy is this woman?

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