Chapter 11: Why?

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"If we can't investigate then we won't have anything to find the culprit." I panicked. What if we get it wrong and we all die because I made the wrong choice?

"Guys! Let's calm down. We should go and confront Monokuma about what this is all about." Jazlin stressfully sighed. We all agreed and started to head for the double glass doors. It was late winter and the bright warm breeze was replaced with a cold and mournful one. We were walking away from the trial room when a high pitched voice stopped us.

"Uhm, Just WHERE do you think you're going?! Trying to sneak off and investigate before the trial?! This is your punishment for sticking your noses where they don't belong!" Monokuma stood behind us, arms crossed.

"We were just coming to find you to see what this is all about! Why can't we investigate?! And why are we all here?! WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Jazlin went up to him and kneeled down to his height.

"Puhuhuhuhuhuhuh! Punishment for SNOOPING!" he sang. "Now shush shush and go on to the trial!"


"We have nothing to discuss!" Van yelled out.

Everyone was yelling and complaining. I thought to myself for a moment. "We do! Everyone, get down to the trial room. There is something we missed in the last trial..."

Reluctantly, everyone made their way to the big rock that took us down. We sat in silence as the doors creaked open and we stepped out into the trial room. We all went around to take our places around the center.

Elliot sighed. "Before we start I want to address something." He looked around everyone's faces. "The other night, I witnessed Van try to attack Olivia, in the library." He looked at me, then back at Van.

I looked at Elliot. "He's right, Van admitted to everything. She's the mastermind and is working with Monokuma."

Van crossed her arms. "So? What's the big deal Mr. Detective!"

I glared at her. "You know very well what the big deal is VANNY."

She glared back at me, nobody else knew what was going on.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"What do you mean by something we missed in the last trial?" Elliot chimed in.

I softened my gaze when I looked at him. He looks so clueless. "Well, I have a reason to believe that Viona wasn't the culprit..."

He looked back at me. "What."

Van glanced at me then back to him. "There is something this crappy detective missed and now we are ALL WRONG." Van sounded very upset.

We stood silently for a moment.

"Van, why did you turn on Olivia all of a sudden.? You seem really mad at her." Lilly pointed out.

Van glared at her. "None of your business, sugar filled FREAK."

Lilly looked hurt.

"Anyways, I was going back to my room last night, and I accidentally stumbled into Van's room... And I found some things I believe are linked to the case." I looked around at everyone's shocked faces, except Van.

"And what is that? You're just a stupid know it all." Van crossed her arms.

I pulled the folded piece of paper from my pocket. "Here. It's a blueprint for a spike trap, the same trap used to capture Anna." I unfolded it and passed around. "Found in Van's room, I should add."

Elliot was the first to see it. "Wow. I can't believe this." He muttered, examining the page before passing it to Lilly.

"You're one hundred percent sure this was Van's room?" Lilly looked up at me.

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