Chapter 7: Handball

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"You gloomy people are so boring! What's it gonna take for you people to get up and take some action!" he shouted as he threw his drink. He got up and walked up to the screen. "Everyone head to the courtyard, I've got a big surprise."

Looked over at the clock at my desk and read 5:57. Almost I guess. I got up and changed, even though it was the same outfit it didn't feel as 'gross' as the one I used during the investigation. But the tv once again flashes on.

"And I mean right now."

I turned to the door and walked out, heading to the courtyard. As I opened the door the moody sunset and chilly breeze gave me a warming welcome, warmer than any I've ever received. I sat down on the bench along the sidewalk and waited for the others. But I can't ignore that big structure behind me covered in a black and wide cover. The door clanged open and a sleepy Van came in, Lilly holding her by the arm, and then the rest behind.

"Were you sleeping Van?" I asked as she sat down beside me.

"Apparently, she lost her voice due to her yelling so much in the trial and went to sleep for the night." Lilly answered. She yawned and sat down next to Van.

"Makes sense, she was hellbent on Anna and Alani being the culprits."

"And plus isn't it a violation in the school book for two people to kill?"

"Seriously? If only she knew that."

"Alrighty people! Is everyone here?" Monokuma popped from behind the water fountain and began the presentation. With no one answering him he began without further notice.

"Since everyone's gotten so boring and gloomy ever since that trial, and I thought- 'What about something to cheer them up!' And so I did." Monokuma randomly pulled out a box of black thin boxes from behind the

"Here ya go!" Monokuma handed out what I soon realized were small ipads. He waddled over to me with many in his tiny paws and turned it on the check that it was mine. "Here ya go kiddo!" He waddled away.

I looked down at the ipad in front of me and pressed the shining silver button and the screen flickered on.

"Olivia Stock motive video! Who is the most important person in your life? I will let you think for a moment." The Monokuma on the screen crossed his paws and stood there for a few seconds. "Okie dokie! Ready for a special message?" The screen turned black then back on in a second revealing my family sitting on the couch talking to me.

"We are so happy for you to have gotten into this school! I can't wait for you to graduate and come home so you can tell us all about it! You're going to do great and we believe in you!" My dad smiled into the camera.

"Good luck!" My family said in unison.

"These are super precious people, Olivia! Too bad something very unfortunate happened to them.. Puhuhuhuhuhu!" Monokuma laughed and then the screen closed and the ipad went black.

"W-what-?" My hands were shaking.

In front of me, Viona threw her ipad down and cried.

"Viona, its okay.!" Lilly rushed over to comfort her even after seeing her own video.

"Its not! He killed my family, there is no forgiving that stupid bear!" Viona grabbed her ipad and threw it back down again, causing it to crack. "I hate this stupid bear!"

"We all do, there is just nothing we can do about it!" Lilly said firmly.

"Well we have to figure it out!" Viona stood up and ran back into the school.

Danganronpa V4: All hail the 27th classTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon