Chapter 13: The End...

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I was plopped into the red seat of a roller coaster. The ride was all loops and waves, seemingly never-ending. The ride clicked and it started at an already fast pace.

"Weeeee!" I shouted out. I love roller coasters. I raised my arms and it was then I realized I had no safety belt. Doesn't matter. It's fun like this. I screamed and giggled, over and over again. The ride really does seem never ending. But it didn't matter to me. The danger alarm was not present in my life, and it wasn't any different now. In fact, I thrived in it.

The ride was at one of the high peaks and I could feel the thrill inside of me. My stomach churned at the excitement. And clank the ride zoomed straight down and I screamed in delight. My hair flying around my head, this was the most fun I have had in weeks!

After a few laps, I noticed I hadn't gone over the loop yet. I looked around when I got to the peak of one of the mountains, and saw Monokuma pull a lever. As I flew down the track, I realized that the lever changed the direction of the cart. And now I was going around the loop. Suddenly it all hit me, This is where I die, I have no seatbelt.

My assumptions being correct, I flew through the loop and once I got upside down, the ride stopped. I was hanging on in the cart. But then again, Who am I kidding? This is all for the thrill of it! I let go of the handlebar that barely held me in and crashed down onto the coaster track.

I looked up to see the cart coming straight for me. I smiled and looked to see my 'friends' one last time. The cart collided with my body, pushing me under the track and completely lifeless. My pain... is finally over...


I stared in horror as the cart went straight through Van, like nothing had happened at all. I looked around to see Lilly sobbing quietly. And Elliot with a slight smile.

"Lilly, don't be upset. She was a traitor anyway. The game is finally over now, we can go home." I comforted her in the best way I could, considering I found it quite difficult.

Elliot looked in my direction. "So, how do we get out then?"

"Like I know-" I started.

Monokuma suddenly appeared in between me and Elliot. "Puhuhuhuhu! Since you have completed the game, you are finally free to go! But I must warn you, staying here is much better than going out..." Monokuma stopped. "There." He did a dramatic shudder before leading us to a massive heavy metal door.

"Has this always been here-?" Lilly looked up and down.

"Why of course it has dummy!" Monokuma pulled a rather large key out of- nowhere? And unlocked the door. "Now if you go out there, you may never return back here. So take your chances! Puuhuuhuhuhu!" He opened it.


The 4 stepped out into the light for the first time in weeks, maybe even months. It was almost deadly.

They continued to walk a bit further out off the school grounds when a massive wave of people's voices erupted.

"Good job!" A woman said.

"Congratulations on surviving!" A boy our age yelled.

The air was filled with chants, cheers, and applause on their success. But how did they know what was going on?

Olivia looked around at her friends. "How did they know?" She whispered.

Elliot shrugged. "I don't know, maybe it was broadcasted or something."

Jazlin spoke. "Maybe the world is just sick and likes to see the horrible things we had to endure." She looked back ahead at the crowds.

Lilly smiled. "I'm happy to be back, out into the real world." She paused. "Just wish we could share it with everyone else..."

Elliot looked down. "We can't be sad about it now."

Olivia smiled. "Exactly, we have to push forward for them, this is what they want for us. Let's leave this all behind and continue our lives as normal. And who knows, maybe if it starts again. We can put an end to it. For good."

The 4 smiled at each other before continuing to walk into the crowds. The celebration was a bit much, they all thought, but they were glad to be out. And now they all had a new mission, to stop the games, once and for all.

*The End*

Danganronpa V4: All hail the 27th classWhere stories live. Discover now