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This book was written by 2 of the characters in the book itself, so that's why it was extra fun to write! This is based on a real class, the one that we had in 7th grade.

This book is based on the idea of the original game, "Danganronpa" made by Kaztaka Kodaka. Everything that was based off the idea is not ours, but the characters, talents and deaths are all our own.

This book has taken 1 year, 6 months, and 20 days. So long in the making and finally ready to share it with Wattpad. So excited to post this book and get everyone's opinions and ideas to change or make new books in the future.

Worked on this for many hours in school, sneaking around English class to write it. Got told by the English teacher, this was cyberbullying. But continued on with it anyways.

Danganronpa V4: All hail the 27th classWhere stories live. Discover now