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"She's back"


My name is Ayami Garasu.

I'm a member of the prestigious guild, Sabertooth.


"Thought she was would have been dead by now"

I pulled open my hood to see the many faces sitting in the mess hall.

"Yoooo! Ayaaaaaami!" - Orga shouts happily waving to me "Where have you've been?!"

"Huh?" - I mumbled out loud as the green giant runs over to pick me up into a suffocating hug.

It's been almost a year since I've been back.

"Hey quit it! You're going to break my spine!" - I retorted

"Oh right, right! Haha!" - he laughs "I heard you've been on a job"

"Yeah, but it's good to be home now" - I answer shortly

"Well it's good to see you back." - Orga says patting my shoulder "Listen, I didn't get to talk to you before...you know...you left and I just wanted to give you my condolences." - he tells me with a weak smile.

"What?! No! It's ok heh heh!" - I say trying to lighten up the mood. "He's in a better place now"

"Sit down, have a couple of drinks with us" - he says turning to the table of his usual guild drinking buddies.

"I think i'll pass" - I rejected "I need to go see Master Jiemma"

"Hm? What for?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure myself? I just got a message after my last job saying that he needed to see me back at the guild as soon as possible"

"What a coincidence" - he states scratching his facial hair

"What do you mean?" - I asked

"Sting got urgently called back from a job too. He said Master Jiemma wanted to see him" - Orga informed

"You..don't say?" - I spoke

I haven't seen or heard from Sting since the accident and honestly that would be the last thing I really wanted to do. But I still couldn't help but be curious as to why he got the same messages I did.

"You should talk to him." - Orga says as I turn to glare over at him deathly.

Even though I knew who he was referring to, I still replied with "What are you talking about?"

"You know who I'm talking about"

Ugh...Orga when did you turn into a psychologist...?

I just roll my eyes letting out a loud sigh

"There's nothing to talk about"

"Hey now, you never know, it's been what? A year? People change in that time Ai-chan" - Orga states

"Right.." - I mumble sarcastically as I waved him bye before walking down the halls.  I never thought I'd ever been so thrilled to be forced to see the Master.

To be honest I don't know why I thought I could just avoid seeing him. My mind wanders off to what Orga said, about people changing. Maybe Sting has changed or maybe...

I pushed the doors to see Master Jiemma

"You wanted to see me sir?" - I asked walking in only to face the person I wasn't ready to see, standing across from him was...Sting Eucliffe. His dark blue eyes turn to glance over at me.

Maybe people do change

Or maybe...

"Wait? You've got to be joking..." - he groaned "You guys can't be serious right? I rather peel off my face before I work with her."

Yep. No. Sting will never change.

"What did you say?!"

"Why can't I just work with Rogue?" - Sting asks ignoring me all together. Now I remember why I hated coming back to this guild.

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