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"why can't you admit it? Just say...." - he starts turning to me, placing his hand on my cheek while his blue eyes bore into my soul. "I'm in love with you."

There's silence between us for a few moments and before I even knew it our lips collided.

It was like as if a lightening bolt ran through my entire body. If there were any words that explained how if felt at that moment, i still don't believe i could correctly describe it.

I felt...safe. I felt safe with Sting, like walking into your home and closing the door knowing that nothing could keep you from dangers that lurked outside.

But i was scared. I pulled away from his grasp and without looking back i just...ran.

"Ai!" - Sting called but I didn't stop running.

To be honest, I don't know why i just disappeared.

The next day i woke up in my own bed. It's strange how quiet it actually was. But maybe because i was so use to staying with Sting that mine began to feel so foreign.

I began to roll towards the other side of the bed to see the photo of Dorin. My heart began to hurt in ways that words could never describe.

These last few days have made me forgotten about you....

The guilt that pumped through my blood made me finally get up.

I use to visit him every single time I came back to the guild. Leave new flowers and spend the day talking to him about how my life has been and here I am.....slowly losing my memories.

And right now...

I need you more than ever.

"Good morning Ai!" - Yukino greets as I enter toward the mess hall.

"Morning, can you help me find a broom?" - I had asked her who politely walked me down the hall to a small closet that had an assortment of miscellaneous items.

Being in such a prestigious guild, we never really had to "clean" since Master Jiemma's main focus was to make sure we were the best guild in all of Fiore.

Today I would spend it taking care of Dorin but as I walked to his grave there was already someone there.

"Happiness in this world and the next Dorin"

his hands clapped together to chant a blessing spell.


A year ago i lost my best friend over a fight that he had with another member named Sting Eucliffe.

"Hey Ai"

I never thought i could ever forgive him.

"What are you doing here?" - I asked confused I wasn't expecting him to be here of all places.

"Probably the same reason you as you" - He pats at the patch of grass next to him turning to glance back at me. "Oh come on, I won't bite now"

But something changed, i found out that Sting was my mate. But how is your one true love suppose to be the person you hated all this time?

We sat in silence for a few moments not knowing how to go about our situation.

"I'm sorry." - i replied

And without having to ask, Sting just half smiled.

"I get it. Don't worry" - he reassures me "Trust me, I get you more than you think"

i began to see the good in all the bad. How flawed my summarized theory of Sting was.

"Just because we're mates doesn't mean you'll actually grow feelings for me" - Sting tells me "kind of the down side of having a mate that isn't a dragon slayer"

"I mean you couldn't just randomly have feelings appear for me either" - i stated feeling the guilt rush over me

"I didn't just...." - Sting stopped

He just stares up at me with his eyebrow cocked up for a second. He scratches his chin thinking correctly on how to put his thoughts.

"I have always felt this way Ai." - he corrected

"Wait...what?! What do you mean always?!" - i protested remembering back to the past. He hid it so well that he could've fooled me.

"It's actually funny thinking about it now, remember when we first met?"

"Yeah...you and Rogue were passing by my hometown. There were bandits who were raiding the town and you saved me" - i spoke "but what does that even have to do with anything?"

I was so scared to open up my heart again, scared of forgetting my past that I didn't focus on the present.

"Rogue and i had just finished a job. I was never a good person..." - he stated reminded me of the many men he slaughtered without even a turn of his hair. "We were going home and then i just heard this scream. Usually i would ignore it and blame it on dragon abilities and go on my way but...it was so strange. It was like somebody stuck a magnet to me and dragged me to you. And...when i first saw you...I remember everything going bright white and this instinct kicked in...like...it was as if someone was trying to attack my vital organs. Wesslogia, my...dragon father told me once; that a dragon doesn't pick their mates, that fate decides. He doesn't talk much about my mom a lot but she was a mortal. He use to call her, the heart and when she died...he died."

"I...but...I thought you killed?"

"I didn't kill my dad, I put him out of his misery..He asked me to. He couldn't live without her...he stopped eating, or doing anything for that matter...she really was his heart...I use to never understand why he would just give up like that but now I do. Because that's how I see you now Ai as the walking embodiment of my heart."

He sighs rubbing the back of his head "you know it sounds so corny now that i say it out loud..."

I didn't want to push Sting away anymore.

I didn't want to hate him anymore.

"Ayami." - he spoke as i heard my full name get repeated back into my ears that don't seem to ring correctly anymore. "I know that you still love Dorin."

I could feel my heart almost stop.

He pulls my hand up to his lips for a moment.

"I'm not Dorin and I get it. I don't expect you to love me over one day or three months or maybe years from now but let me show you. You use to call me heartless and i realize that you were right that it's because my heart doesn't beat inside of me but that it beats inside of you."

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