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"WHAT AN HONOR TO HAVE THE FAMOUS TWIN DRAGONS HERE IN PEACE VILLAGE!" - The mayor rejoices "oh? Just...one of..."

"Yep....just me" - Sting laughs slouching in his chair, annoyed I shoved my elbow in his side "and Lector"

"Here and ready to kick some bad guy butt!" - Lector pounces up standing on Sting's shoulder.

"Well where's Rogue and Frosch?!" - The mayor asked seeming more distraught than ever...

This has to be some joke right? I'm stuck on a job with Sting and Lector, in a town that adores the dirt he touches and the worst part not even their mayor wants me here. This can't be real..

"Sorry, he couldn't make it" - Sting sighs "trust me, I wish he was here too"

And after that comment I only punch him in his mid section again. Sting just scoffs clutching his side and wanting to strangle me but don't worry I wanna strangle him too.

"What is YOUR problem?!" - Sting mumbles under his breath to me

"Ah, well no matter and who is this lovely lady?" - the mayor asks turning to me

"Oh her? " - Sting groans, referring over to me "don't worry, she's a nobody"

But that only earns him another kick in the shin.

"Who me?" - I spoke, laughing trying to cover up Sting's informal introduction of me

"No, he's talking to the damn coat rack" - Sting replies sarcastically still sending death glares my way

"Ayami Garasu" - I introduced trying my best to ignore Sting getting up and shaking his hand.

"Garasu? Oh the famous glass mage from Sabertooth? What a pleasure to have you here also. My apologies I assume you strictly worked alone" - he excuses

"I guess you can say she has a soft spot for me" - Sting replies chuckling at his own inappropriate joke

"Please excuse him" - I laughed turning glance over at him and shoving a fist into his abdomen "he's heavily induced with some medication right now" - I lied which now that I think of it, he did inhale a lot of the potions inside Isis's store. 

"Sting? I'm sorry to hear? Are you feeling well? Sick?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just a little..." - he starts before fake coughing "cold. Don't worry I have my little Ai-chan to take care of me"

"I told you to stop calling me that"

"Haha, well I'm sure you're in good hands anyways let's get to the reason you're actually here. I've been getting complaints about break ins. From the information we gathered it usually happens at night and they prefer to lure small children but I do have incidents where adults have been attacked too. The victims are put into a nightmare dream state, some of which are described very horrific including some where children dream of slaughtering their own parents or them self" - The Mayor, informs taking a seat down on the chair across from Sting and I. He opens up a folder professionally with maps and informations of each victims, it was so detailed it even included what type of outfit they wore that day

"Wow" - I mumbled out loud glancing through the many pages while Sting just yawns

This was actually pretty impressive for a small village to have without any real officers.

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