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"Finally!" - Sting praises, stepping down from the train

"Can you be anymore of a drama queen.." - I mumbled to myself by of course he hears it.

"shut up" - he protests "I bet you're finally glad to finish this mission too" - Sting states as we strolled back to Sabertooth. Lector falling asleep in my arms. For some reason the annoying cat is starting to grow on me.

"Actually, it wasn't so bad." - I say without realizing it which makes Sting stop in his tracks. It was like I had said something so off. "But I can't wait to go onto my next job" - I corrected trying to not sound, how do I say it?....too soft.

"You're leaving again?" - Sting asked which now makes me turn to stare at him. His blue eyes aren't cold like they usually are but...there's something else there.


Why does the look on his face bother me or for better words why does it seem to bother him if I leave?

Suddenly just as we reached the front doors of Sabertooth, Orga comes running out at top speed. Trampling over Sting and putting me in a suffocating hug.

"AYAMI. YOU'RE FINALLY BACK! THANK GOD DON'T WORRY ORGA IS HERE NOW." - he cooes rubbing his face on mine

"I...can't..can't breathe" - I spat out trying to wiggle free of his grip.

"So you've come home?" - Rogue says following out with Frosch.

"Hm? Where's that other dragon slayer?" - Orga asks looking around

"Here." - Sting answers underneath Orga

"Wah? What are you doing down there boy?Sleeping?" - Orga nudges

"I don't know Orga what am I doing..." - he states sarcastically as the two began to laugh all the way back to the guild dragging Rogue along with them.  I
forgotten how close they were.

But being gone from the guild, I usually don't pay attention to those things.


Packing the rest of my things from my room, and yes I do actually have a room at Sabertooth I just...don't use it as much as some other people do is all.

I began my way out into the mess hall. It was dark, the sun barely rising as I stride over towards the job listing bulletin board scanning over the many options.

"So that's it." - a deep voice says from behind

I glance around to see Sting sitting in at a table in the corner.

Weird? I didn't even sense him and with his magic you could sense Sting from miles away.

"You're actually leaving"

"Well yeah? Why is that such a surprise to you?" - I say confused but he doesn't answer. I just rolled my eyes ripping off a job. "I guess i'll see you..." - I started, turning around only to see Sting right in front of me.

Startled, I jumped not even hearing him move so quickly. He grabs my wrist suddenly and pulls me close.

As if I wasn't close enough..

Clarity (Sting Eucliffe Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now