Female OC/Love Interest Bio

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Name: Yelena LaRusso.

Alias: The Female Titan.

Fighting style: Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo, Karate, Kung Fu, Sambo, Silat, Bacom, Vale Tudo, Krav Maga, lethwei, Muay Thai, MMA, Boxing, and every other fighting style to exist.

Abilities: Superhumanly Acute Sense, Superhuman Hearing, Superhuman Smell, Superhuman Taste, Superhuman Touch, Superhuman Strength, Superhuman Speed, Superhuman Stamina, Superhuman Durability, Enhanced Reflexes and Agility.


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Season 1: 15

Season 2: 15 and a half

Season 3: 16

Season 4-5: 17

Hair colour: Dark Brown

Eye colour: Hazel

Height: 5'6

Personality: Nice, polite and smart person. She has great morals and is able to maintain her true self. She is against bullying, she is naive and a little immature. At times she refuses to comprehend the point of view of other people due to her wealthy bring up by her parents. 

In relaxed settings, she is playful, fun-loving, and has a bit of a wild streak. She is assertive and has a sarcastic sense of humour. She enjoys being out with her friends and is openly flirtatious with Y/N Ackerman, trying her best to help him find love. Underneath that exterior, Yelena believes that life is about fighting for what you believe is yours. She is especially more aggressive and ruthless than everyone. The only person who is more aggressive and ruthless is Y/N who controls his aggressiveness.

Occupation: Ex Miyagi-do karate student, a student at West Valley High.


Season 1: Cobra Kai

Season 2: Cobra Kai

Season 3: Eagel Fang

Season 4: Miyagi-Eagel Fang-do duo thing?

Season 5: Miyagi-Fang?

I don't know what to call the dojo after the team-up between Daniel and Johnny, so forgive me, if you don't like the names.

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