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Story: Sweet TearsAuthor: IR3NIC

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Story: Sweet Tears
Author: IR3NIC

Story: Sweet TearsAuthor: IR3NIC

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Reviewer: in_love_with_my_life

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Reviewer: in_love_with_my_life

ꗃ﹕❜Title: 5/10ꗃ﹕❜For the title, it is a very intriguing one—"Sweet Tears" and I wonder if it is random or does it hold any importance to the storyline

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ꗃ﹕❜Title: 5/10
ꗃ﹕❜For the title, it is a very intriguing one—"Sweet Tears" and I wonder if it is random or does it hold any importance to the storyline. I don't have much to say about it, but I do hope that there is a reference to the title, in the book—at least once. 

ꗃ﹕❜Cover: 6/10
ꗃ﹕❜The cover of the book is a manip cover and as beautiful as it is, it does not set the tone for the book. Furthermore, the picture that has been used for Taehyung does not go well with the background either. I would suggest going with something that delves into the historical aspect of the book. The font is really pretty though and the way it has been played, I liked that too.

ꗃ﹕❜Blurb: 8/10
ꗃ﹕❜It is a highly intriguing summary with flawless language that also creates the tone. Except for the confused usage of tenses, I have no issues with the blurb. What I mean is that there are paragraphs written in the present tense that transition to the past tense as we read on. Also, I feel like there's a lot going on in the description, and it took me a long time to figure out what you were aiming for. That is something I believe you should be aware of. Aside from that, I have no objections to the book's blurb.

ꗃ﹕❜Writing: 15/30
ꗃ﹕❜The writing of the book is beautiful but it ignores the show not tell aspect a little more. There are things that are being told to you from the author and it doesn't give the reader any time to speculate. Furthermore,  the entire setting is really complicated and confusing. You don't understand what is going on, who belongs to who,  and what are their motives. The women in the story play a major role, but the question stands as to why they are so deadbeat on giving their lives for the throne. Where is the motive? And I am sure that the author intends to unveil it as the story progresses, but I think there should be scenes that give us a little hint.
                                                 There are dialogues that spell things out for you, some myth that we know nothing about even though it's being mentioned a lot of times. There are inconsistencies in the writing and I would advise the writer to look through it and find a much better to convey the message even without the use of dialogue. This book is set in a historical setting, yet it uses modern-day slang and words and it just messes up with the entire tone of the book. I would advise the author to do some research too and refrain from using modern text in the book.

ꗃ﹕❜Grammar: 4/10
ꗃ﹕❜For the grammar I have complaints. There are many times when the author jumps from past tense to present, uses the incorrect form of speech and it is all just so confusing. If you're writing a book in the past tense then there should not be a change in the tense. It makes the writing look terrible and amateur. So, I would again advise the writer to re-read their work and make edits.

ꗃ﹕❜Punctuations: 10/10
ꗃ﹕❜The punctuation is lacking in some places but nothing that serious. I think the author knows the correct use of punctuation so I am not going to deduct marks there.

ꗃ﹕❜Punctuations: 10/10
ꗃ﹕❜The punctuation lacks in some places but nothing that serious. I think the author knows the correct use of punctuation so I am not going to deduct marks there.

ꗃ﹕❜Pace and Conflict: 7/20
ꗃ﹕❜The book is really fast-paced and it doesn't give the reader time to become familiar with the setting and the tone. One minute we are here and the next we are wrapped up in some political intrigue without any explanation. It is still an ongoing book so I have nothing to say about the conflict though I hope that it makes sense.

 It is still an ongoing book so I have nothing to say about the conflict though I hope that it makes sense

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