No Talking Back

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At Andy's house*

At night time

In the living room

Andy: boy

Kevin: daddy hold on

Andy: what did you just say

Kevin: daddy I'm watching something

Andy: I don't care get over here right now before I go get my belt

Kevin: daddy

Andy: you want me to go get it

Kevin: no sir

Andy: march

Kevin walks over to his dad

Andy: look at this sink

Kevin: what

Andy: you didn't wash the dishes

Kevin: daddy I'll do it later

Andy: you gonna do it now or I'm gonna whoop your ass

Kevin: daddy

Andy: I don't want to hear it now get to them and if I come back and the dishes aren't done your getting your ass whipped with my belt

Kevin: it's not fucking fair

Andy: what did you just say

Kevin: nothing

Andy grabs Kevin and pull his pajamas down and spank him three times

Andy: you will not smack use foul language smack at all smack

Kevin: oww daddy I'm sorry

Andy: you better be now get cleaning

Kevin: yes sir

Ten minutes later Andy walks in the kitchen and sees the dishes aren't done and sees Kevin is laying on his stomach watching tv so he gets his belt and hits his butt with it

Kevin: ahh daddy

Andy: get your ass in my room right now

Kevin: no daddy I'll do the dishes

Andy: one

Kevin: daddy

Andy: two

Kevin: I'm sorry daddy please don't spank me

Andy: if I get to five your gonna get on the bare and your grounded

Kevin runs to his room

In Andy's room*

Andy: I told you if you didn't do the dishes what will happen

Kevin: you was gonna use the belt on me

Andy: and what's my rule about talking back

Kevin: that's its still be disrespectful

Andy: now bend over your getting the belt

Kevin: daddy

Andy: now

Kevin bends over and starts crying

Andy: when I tell you to do something I'll expect you to do it without any talk back stay still


kevin: ouch


kevin: two


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