New friends part 1

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In Kevin's room

In the morning

Kevin's alarm goes off and he goes to his box of clothes he bought and takes out a pair of boxers which he isn't allowed to wear but he thought they were pretty so he brought them. He also took out a shirt and a pair of shorts and a pair of socks and hoops in the shower

Ten minutes later Kevin gets dressed grabs his bag and make his way to the kitchen

In the kitchen*

Kevin: good morning wonderful parents

Andy: what do you want

Kevin: nothing

Carter: he wants something and hey your underwear is in the dryer so what are you wearing

Kevin: um

Andy: your better not be wearing the same underwear from yesterday

Kevin: no daddy I'm not

Carter: then what are you wearing

Kevin mumbled something underneath his breath

Carter: what did you say

Kevin: boxers

Andy: what

Kevin: daddy please let me wear them

Andy: I took all of them

Carter: tell me you didn't buy more

Kevin: okay I didn't buy more

Carter: come let me see

Andy: if your lying to us your going to school with a sore bottom now you ready to tell the truth

Carter: or do I need to check

Andy: your Choice

Kevin: it was only ones that was in my drawer

Andy: you know better change now

Carter: hurry up your gonna be late on your first day

Kevin: this is so fucking unfair

Kevin walks away

Carter: HEY!!!

Kevin: what

Carter: come here

Kevin: I'm gonna be late

Carter: now

Kevin walks to carter and carter pops him and Kevin starts crying

Carter: watch your mouth

Kevin: daddy

Andy: don't come over here go change your underwear now

Kevin cries even harder and runs in his room

Andy starts laughing

Carter: babe I didn't even hit him that hard

Andy starts laughing

Carter: it's not funny he's needs to learn respect

Andy: so teach him

Kevin goes back in the kitchen

Andy: there you are

Kevin cross his arms and roll his eyes

Andy: Kevin stop that

Kevin: ugh I'm not even do anything

Andy: your being disrespectful now cut it out 

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