Pain and consequences 

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At Andy's house*

It was six in the morning and Kevin woke up feeling like he was hit by a truck so he decided to go upstairs to his dads room

In Andy's room*

Kevin barges in the room without knocking

Kevin: daddy wake up

Andy: Kevin it's six in the morning what's wrong

Kevin: my back hurts

Andy: carter wake up

Carter: no we can do it later

Andy throws a pillow at carter

Carter: what the hell

Andy: Kevin back hurts

Carter: come let me see

Andy: dirty mind

Carter starts laughing as Kevin walks to Carter

Carter: okay

Kevin: ow don't touch that part it hurts

Carter: okay no this is not from a car accident it looks someone punch you in the back

Kevin: what that's crazy it was the car crash goodnight

Andy: stop

Kevin: daddy I'm fine

Andy: there was never a car crash was it

Kevin: daddy

Andy: was there a car crash

Kevin: carter

Carter: the bruises look like it's from a beating not a car crash

Kevin: but your car was wrecked

Carter: actually it was dented on the back

Kevin: because I took it for a joyride

Carter: you don't have bruises from a car crash

Andy: where did you really go last night

Kevin: I told you I took carter car

Andy: where did you go

Kevin: I went to moms house

Andy: you did what

Kevin: I wanted to see if she—-

Andy: I don't care

Kevin: daddy

Andy: and let me guess Nate did this to you

Kevin: yes

Andy: I'm gonna kill him

Kevin: daddy

Andy: then I'm gonna kill you for going over there

Kevin: I'm sorry

Andy: your gonna be why did you go over there

Kevin: mommy said she had a gift for my birthday

Andy: then you come get me

Kevin: you know this is your fault

Andy: excuse me

Kevin: if you just let me go places by myself I would know how to handle myself

Andy walks up to Kevin but carter get in between them

Carter: first of all Kevin do you have a death wish and Andy you need to calm down

Andy: I'm gonna kill Nate

Life with Kevin WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now