A day with mommy

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At Andy's house*

In the living room*

Kevin: mommy I'm hungry

Mya: so go eat something

Kevin: you need to fix me something

Mya: what's wrong with you

Kevin: nothing I'm just hungry

Mya: go feed yourself then

Kevin gets up from the couch and walks over to the fridge and fix himself a sandwich and give his mom a disappointing look and then rolled his eyes

Mya: you have something to say boy

Kevin: no ma'am

Mya: that's what I thought don't make a mess

Kevin: whatever

Mya: excuse me

Kevin: I said whatever

Mya: you will not talk to me like that

Kevin: okay whatever

Mya: go to your room

Kevin: you can't send me to my room

Mya: yes I can go now

Kevin: I hate you

Mya: likewise

Three hours later

Andy comes in the house and see that the house is a mess


Mya: I know right he made the mess I told him to clean it up and he told me to go to hell so I sent him to his room


Kevin: I'm coming

Kevin runs downstairs

Kevin: daddy your home

Andy: yeah did you do this

Kevin: no

Andy: Kevin

Kevin: no mommy sent me to my room hours ago

Mya: why are you lying

Kevin: what I'm not your the lair

Andy: hey

Kevin: what

Andy: go to my room right now

Kevin: but I didn't do anything

Andy: why are you still here

Kevin: that's so unfair

Kevin runs in his dad room

Andy: I told you to watch him

Mya: I did and he did this

Andy: thank you for nothing but I'll handle it from here

Mya: what about your job

Andy: I have to take him with me

Mya: go to work I can watch him

Andy: what

Mya: I'm serious go to work

Andy: let me talk to him first okay

In Andy's room*

Andy enters the room

Kevin: daddy mommy was lying I didn't do anything wrong I promise

Andy: relax mommy is gonna continue to watch you

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