Grandma louise

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At Andy's house

At the door

Lousie: hi Andy can I come in

Andy: sure

Lousie: thanks

Louise enters the house with bags

Andy: what are you doing here

Lousie: I want to take my grandson out

Kevin: really

Andy: he's grounded

Kevin: daddy please

Andy: no

Kevin: daddy

Andy: I said no

Louise: well okay I brought some stuff for him

Kevin: toys

Louise: yeah well I will be going

Andy clears his throat

Kevin: oh right thank you grandma

Louise: your welcome

Louise left the house

Kevin: daddy can I play with them

Andy: sure but when your finished put them in the basement I don't them up here understand

Kevin: yes

Andy: okay I'm gonna do laundry don't make a mess and clean behind yourself and don't leave the house

Kevin: okay

Andy: okay I'll be back in one hour

One hour later

Andy walks downstairs and saw that Kevin toys was everywhere and he had beer cans all over the floor andy was furious


Kevin: what

Andy: come here

Kevin: yes

Andy: what is Carter's beer out of the fridge

Kevin: daddy I didn't drink any those are from the garage

Andy: first of all why are you digging in the garage and second what in the world all of this stuff

Kevin: okay I need those beer cans for my man cave and two it's my toys

Andy: put the beer cans back in the garage and clean this shit up before I get my belt

Kevin: but daddy I need a man cave for my action figures

Andy: and you gonna get my belt across your ass if you don't clean this shit up

Kevin: okay in a second

Andy: no right now

Kevin: no daddy I'm trying to build something

Andy grabs Kevin by the arm and spanked him three times

Kevin: ow daddy

Andy: you don't tell me no you do as your told or you get your teeth slap out of your mouth now clean this shit up

Kevin: but I was playing

Andy: I don't mind you playing but you need to clean up after yourself

Kevin: okay

Andy: now pick up all your toys and put them away

Kevin: but you said I can play

Andy: that was before you made a big mess I'll be back this better be clean up

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