Saturday part 3

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In the car*

On the phone

Louise: hello

Andy: yes I'm here

Lousie: I'm at your house where are you

Andy: out

Kevin: ugh

Andy: hold on Louise

Andy: I'm on the phone don't do that again

Kevin: why is she calling

Andy: don't be rude

Kevin: okay

Lousie: hello Andy you there

Andy: yes I'm here I'm out right now you can come by tomorrow morning if you like

Louise: can I speak to my grandson please

Andy: of course

Kevin: daddy do I have to

Andy: take the damn phone

Kevin: fine

Lousie: Kevin

Kevin: hi grandma

Louise: how are you

Kevin: I'm fine

Lousie: I heard about what Nate did to you

Kevin: and now you call

Andy pops Kevin

Kevin: ouch

Lousie: what was that

Kevin: paper cut grandma I gotta daddy need his phone back

Lousie: okay sweetheart I'll see you Tomorrow morning okay love you

Kevin: yeah okay love you too

Phone call ended

Kevin: here

Andy: don't do that again

Kevin: what did I do this time

Andy: I need my phone back

Kevin: grandma Lousie is just like mommy mean and cold

Andy: she loves you

Kevin: no she doesn't

Andy: stop that yes she does

Kevin: whatever

Andy: Kevin

Kevin: what

Andy: keep it up

Kevin: all I'm saying is the truth

Andy: no your being disrespectful

Kevin: and your blind

Andy: okay when we get home your getting your ass beat

Kevin: no daddy I'm sorry

Andy: no I told you to stop and you didn't listen

Kevin: daddy no

Andy: you wanna be disrespectful your ass is gonna pay the price

Kevin: but I wasn't being disrespectful I was just being honest and now i'm in trouble for being honest with my dad so unfair

Andy: the rest of the day you better behave yourself or you will go to bed with a sore bottom understand

Kevin: yes thank you

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