General hospital

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After Kevin passed out the school called the ambulance

At the hospital*

Carter: Nina what do we got

Nina: twelve year old boy collapse in school

Carter: omg Kevin

Nina: you know him

Carter: he's my god son

Nina: carter you know you can't be in here

Carter: okay where's his dad

Nina: in the waiting room

Carter: okay

Carter walks to the waiting room and sees Andy

Carter: Andy

Andy: omg how is he

Carter: I don't know

Andy: why do you mean you don't know aren't you chief of surgery can't you go and get answers

Carter: okay I'll be right back

Andy: thank you

Nina: um Mr. Wilson

Andy: yes what's going on

Nina: he's okay he's  awake

Andy: can I see him

Nina: of course but before you do are your aware that your son has Asthma

Andy: is that why he passed out

Nina: yes

Andy: omg how could I not see this what's wrong with me

Nina: it happens maybe your son forgot to take his medicine or you forgot but it can happen we want to examine more but he is free to go home tomorrow morning

Andy: okay can I see him

Nina: of course follow me

Nina and Andy goes to the room where Kevin was staying in

Kevin: daddy

Andy: hey buddy are you okay

Kevin: yes why am I in the hospital

Andy: you passed out

Kevin: well can I go home

Andy: well you need to stay one more day so they can run some more test

Nina: Mr. Wilson do we have your permission to Order him a new asthma pump

Andy: yeah of course

Nina: okay he needs to use the pump when he goes out of breath

Andy: okay thank you

Nina: of course a nurse will be in with the pump

Andy: thank you again

Andy: does he need anything

Nina: he needs to be on bed rest for a few days and he'll be fine but until then no heavy lifting or doing anything to serious and you raised a wonderful son he was very respectful when I was examining him

Andy: thank you

Nina walks away

Carter: Andy

Andy: I'm sorry I snap at you

Carter: it's okay you're were worried about your son

Kevin: daddy

Andy: you coming in

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