The day Danny threatens kevin

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At Andy's and Carter's house*

It was six o'clock in the morning and Kevin kept getting calls from Danny but he ignored him and hopped in the shower. When Kevin got out of the shower and dries his body and put on cologne and washed his face and put on lotion. Kevin got dressed and went to the kitchen and saw his dads eating breakfast

In the kitchen*

Andy: morning

Kevin: daddy can you give me a ride to school

Andy: sure come on

Kevin: thanks bye carter

Carter: bye

Twenty minutes later

At Jefferson middle school*

In the car

Kevin: bye daddy

Andy: come back here

Kevin: daddy I'm gonna be late

Andy: come here

Kevin: yes

Andy: here is some money behave yourself understand me

Kevin: yes daddy

Andy: good I'll see you after school

Kevin runs into the school and says good morning to Reggie and runs to class and sees Danny and Jake being very friendly to Jake and Jason

Josh: hey

Kevin: what's going on over there

Josh: don't get involved

Kevin: too late he's coming over here

Danny walks over to him and push josh on the floor

Kevin: what the hell is wrong with you

Danny: shut up before I beat you up as well

Kevin: whatever

Danny: I'll tell you what I won't kill your boyfriend if you do me a favor

Kevin: I'm sorry but if my dad finds out I'm be in trouble so no

Danny: you don't even know what it is first

Kevin: fine what is it

Danny: Jake took something of mine you will get it back

Kevin: I guess I asked him to give it back

Danny starts laughing

Danny: I see why your in special ed your so fucking stupid

Kevin: don't call me that my daddy tells me that's not nice to say

Danny: I want you to steal it back

Kevin: Danny no my daddy will ground me until I'm thirty

Danny: if you don't steal it back I will kill you understand

Kevin: what

Danny: and if you snitch your daddy won't be your problem I will now go steal it back and if you get caught you better say it was you or I'm gonna hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands

Kevin looked scared but he didn't care if his dad would spank him he went to jakes bag and took everything and gave it to Danny and Danny saw a teacher coming so Danny puts it in Kevin's bag

End of the  episode

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