Lies and Angry Dads

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At Andy's house*

Night time

At the door

Millie: hey bullet your gonna let me in or what

Andy: yeah sure come in

Carter: Millie Collins

Millie: that's my name

Carter: I'm gonna let y'all talk

Millie: actually you can stay

Carter: really

Andy: what are you doing here

Millie: I'm here to offer you a job

Andy started laughing

Kevin comes out his room with a bag in his hand and he sees Millie

Kevin: aunt Millie

Millie: hey little guy

Andy: Kevin why aren't you sleeping

Kevin: not tired

Andy: well go back to your room

Kevin: but

Andy: now

Millie: sorry kid

Kevin: I can't wait to get out of his stupid house

Andy: keep talking your be grounded for a week

Kevin: sorry

Andy: Millie what job

Millie: as a detective of course look i need your skills on my task force and you don't have to work on the weekends deal

Andy: I'll get Christmas and thanksgiving off

Millie: so does that mean yes

Andy: yes


Andy runs into Kevin's room and see the tv on the floor

Andy: what the hell happened to the tv

Kevin doesn't say anything

Andy: Kevin I asked you a question

Kevin: it just fell

Andy: so let me gets his straight the tv just fell outta nowhere

Kevin: yes sir

Andy close Kevin's door

Kevin: daddy I'm telling the truth it fell

Andy: why does your bed look like that

Kevin: I was laying in it

Andy: no it look like there pillows under it

Kevin: daddy no

Andy: hush I'm thinking

Andy started looking around and saw the window was open and the tv was next to the door so he decided to look in the closet and he saw josh

Kevin: daddy what are you doing

Andy: josh come out here right now

Kevin: daddy I can explain

Andy: why is the boy I told you to block in your room half naked

Kevin: daddy—

Andy: kevin you have ten seconds before I get my belt to tell me why is this boy hiding in your closet half naked

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